
This disclaimer applies to the website www.gmpplus.org, including but not limited to all information and documents available on or through this website, and any other website containing a hyperlink referring to this disclaimer (jointly: the “website”).

The following applies to the website:

Website disclaimer

  1. All articles of this disclaimer apply to the website. By using the website in any way, including but not limited to load, to log on, to read, to inquire and to consult, the user unconditionally agrees to the content of this disclaimer.
  2. The information on the website is updated regularly and any changes can be made at any time, effective immediately and without any notification.
  3. The website is composed with the greatest care, whereby GMP+ International strives to provide accurate and up to date information. Part of the information may, however, be outdated, incomplete or incorrect. No rights can be derived from the information and documents on the website. Despite constant care and attention, it is possible that the content of and information published through the website, including translations in languages other than the English language, is incomplete or inaccurate. No rights can therefore be derived from the content of this website. GMP+ International cannot be held liable for the consequences of the use, in any way whatsoever, of the information provided on the website. It is possible that the website provides access to websites and/or sources of information from third parties. GMP+ International cannot be held liable for the consequences of the use of the information provided on these web pages or websites, or other websites that refer to the website, either.
  4. All information on the website is in the English language. Any translation into any other language shall not be an official version thereof. In the event of any conflict in interpretation or discrepancy occurs between the English language and any other language, the English language shall prevail.
  5. GMP+ International cannot guarantee that the information on this website is suitable for the purpose for which you have consulted it. All information, products and services are offered in a state in which they actually exist and without any (implicit) guarantee or warranty in respect of their reliability and suitability for a certain purpose or otherwise. GMP+ International does not accept any liability for any damages whether direct or indirect that arise out or in connection with the use of the website or with the temporary unavailability of the website.
  6. GMP+ International reserves copyright to the website. The documents and information on the website may not be copied, taken over and/or disseminated, in whole or in part, without prior written approval of GMP+ International.
  7. The information on this website is provided under the responsibility of GMP+ International B.V., listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 27364542, trading under the name GMP+ International. If you have any questions about the content of the website, please contact GMP+ International.

E-mail disclaimer

This message may contain information that is not intended for you. If you are not the addressee or this message is sent to you by mistake, you are requested to report it to the sender and to delete the message. GMP+ International accepts no liability for damage of any kind related to risks connected to the electronic sending of messages.  Although GMP+ International has observed the greatest care in composing this message, it cannot be held liable in any way if the information in this e-mail is not correct, incomplete or not received on time or for any damages whether direct or indirect that arise out or in connection with the use of this message or its contents. GMP+ International is a trade name owned by GMP+ International B.V., listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 27364542.

Form disclaimer

With this message we want to inform you of an upcoming change within the forms on our website in connection to security.

To secure data that is transmitted over the Internet, this data is encrypted via the HTTPS protocol. However, as the security requirements of this protocol become higher, the current protocol (TLS1.0) of our forms no longer meets the requirements.

Therefore it is necessary to disable this protocol on the 1st of March 2019, and continue only with the more secure protocols (TLS1.1 and TLS1.2)

As a result, the forms will no longer work if you use the following systems:

  • Android 4.3 (until 2013)
  • IE7 on Windows Vista (until 2008)
  • IE10 on Windows 7 (until 2015)
  • IE10 on Windows Phone 8.0 (until 2011)
  • Java 7u25 (until 2013)
  • OpenSSL 0.9.8y (until 2010)
  • Safari 5.1.9 on OS X 10.6.8 (until 2011)
  • Safari 6.0.4 on OS X 10.8.4 (until 2013)

Because these are relatively old systems, we do not expect this adjustment to have an impact for you. In case you or your users still use these systems we advise you to contact your IT manager.