Benchmark growing schemes

Unprocessed agricultural products for use in or as feed can only be purchased by a GMP+ FSA certified company from the growers via a Gatekeeper protocol. A risk assessment is part of this protocol.

GMP+ International gives grower schemes an opportunity to provide insight into the extent to which their scheme meets the requirements of the GMP+ FC scheme, this is done by means of a benchmark. A major advantage is that the affiliated growers can more easily sell their products on the GMP+ certified market.

Procedure & checklist

Would you like to know more about the procedure to be bench marked as a growing scheme by GMP+ International. Check the complete procedure here. If you are curious about the items involved in the benchmark, please click here (only available in Dutch) for the checklist.

Results benchmarked cultivation schemes

Crop scheme Organisation Scope  Result

Voedsel- en
Akkerbouw (VVAK)

BO Akkerbouw     Potatoes
Sugar beet
Industrial vegetables
Click here for
the Excel file
with results


If you’re interested in having a growing scheme bench marked, you can sign up using this form.