1. Scope of this document
This document contains assessment and certification/inspection criteria for:
- Feed Responsability Assurance Module (FRA).
2. Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are mandatory to comply with. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
3. Terms and Definitions
For GMP+ definitions see F0.2 Definition list. Throughout this document the terminology “through the Certification Body” is used indicating that all activities performed by critical-, non-critical locations are conducted under the responsibility/liability of the GMP+ accepted Certification Body.
4. Process requirements
4.1. Pre-certification activities
4.1.1. Application
The Certification Body must require an authorized representative of the applicant organization to provide the necessary information to enable it to establish the following:
- the desired scope of the certification;
- relevant details of the applicant organization as required by the specific certification scheme, including its name and the address(es) of its site(s), its processes and operations, human and technical resources, functions, relationships and any relevant legal obligations;
- identification of outsourced processes used by the organization that will affect conformity to requirements;
- the standards or other requirements for which the applicant organization is seeking certification;
Relevant details of the applicant organization including its name and addresses as specified in the official legal business registration by the competent authority and information as mentioned in Appendix 2 of this document. In addition the 5th bullet of article 5.1.1. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes, applies.
4.1.2. Application review
Before proceeding with the audit, the Certification Body will carry out a review of the application and additional information for certification to ensure that:
- the information about the applicant organization and its management system is sufficient for the conduct of the audit;
- any known difference in understanding between the Certification Body and the applicant organization is resolved;
- the Certification Body has the competence and ability to perform the certification activity;
- the scope of certification sought, the location(s) of the applicant organization's operations, time required to complete audits and any other points influencing the certification activity are taken into account (language, safety conditions, threats to impartiality, etc.);
- records of the justification for the decision to undertake the audit are maintained.
The certification body, following the review of the application, must either accept or decline an application for certification (the reasons for declining an application, the review of the application, must be documented and made clear to the client).
Based on the review, the Certification Body must determine the competences it needs to include in its audit team and for the certification decision.
The Certification Body must not exclude activities, processes, products and services from the scope of certification when these can have an influence on the feed responsibility. The application review is mandatory.
4.1.3. Certification agreement
Article 5.1.3 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable. In deviation on requirement 5.1.3.b, the minimum obliged audit/inspection time per scope(s)/standard(s) as stated in Appendix 1 of this document per audit type is applicable, referring to Appendix 1 is insufficient.
4.1.4. Audit team assignment
Persons who are performing the audit must comply with the applicable requirement of Appendix 2 of the CR1.0 Acceptation requirements.
4.1.5. Rotation of auditors
Rotation of FRA auditors :
- Article of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.1.6. Audit plan
An audit plan for each type of audit must be send to the GMP+ Certified Company prior to the audit.
4.2. Certification process
4.2.1. Audit General
Article of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable. The minimum obliged audit frequency and audit times are determined in Appendix 2 of this document (CR3.0). Initial certification Audit and inspection
An initial certification audit will be performed through the Certification Body in order to assess whether the company meets the criteria set out in Appendix 1 of this document. The initial certification audit must be conducted within 3 months after concluding a certification agreement with the applicant organization.
When the specific conditions as described in Appendix 4 “Not at the GMP+ Certified Company location” and/or Appendix 5 “Remote Audits” of this document are met, the Initial certification audit can be performed accordingly. Temporary acceptance
The text of article of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable. Surveillance audits
The first surveillance audit must be executed each 12 months, plus and minus 2 months, after the certification decision date.
The second surveillance audit must be executed each 24 months, plus and minus 2 months, after the certification decision date.
When the specific conditions as described in Appendix 4 “Not at the GMP+ Certified Company location” and/or Appendix 5 “Remote Audits” are met, the surveillance audit can be performed accordingly. Announced surveillance audits
An announced surveillance certification audit will be performed during the period of validity of the GMP+ certificate through the Certification Body in order to assess whether the company meets the criteria set out in Appendix 1 of this document. The frequency and the audit times of the announced surveillance audit are determined in Appendix 2 of this document. Unannounced surveillance audits
See article above. In addition if the FRA module is audited together with the FSA module the audit will be performed unannounced for all scopes. Recertification audit
Prior to the extension of validity of a certificate a re-certification audit/inspection must be carried out through the Certification Body.
A GMP+ certificate may or may not be extended by the Certification Body based on the assessment criteria as specified in Appendix 1 this document.
Before the period of validity of the certificate expires, the total certification process must be finished including updating of the GMP+ company database (status and data of certificate) through the Certification Body. If a recertification audit is not carried out before the expiration date of the validity of the certificate, then an initial certification audit must be carried out. The company is in the intervening period not GMP+ certified.
When the specific conditions as described in Appendix 4 “Not at the GMP+ Certified Company location” and/or Appendix 5 “Remote Audits” are met, the recertification audit can be performed accordingly Expansion audit
Article of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.2.2. Special audits
The following audits can be applicable, assessment must be done in accordance with Appendix 1 of this document. Stricter supervision Audit (SSA)
Article of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable. Repeat audit (RPA)
Article of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.2.3. Extraordinary events
Article 5.2.3. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.2.4. Identifying and Recording Audit findings
If the applicant organization/GMP+ Certified Company does not comply with the applicable requirements of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, the sanctions as specified in Appendix 1 of this document apply.
If nonconformity identified in one of the MI5.4 GMO controlled scopes this applies for both the FRA and FSA scopes.
4.2.5. Audit report
The text of article 5.2.6. and Appendix 3 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.2.6. Review
Article 5.2.7. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.2.7. Certification decision
The certification decision must be based on:
- For any type of nonconformities, the Certification Body has reviewed, accepted and verified the correction and corrective actions;
- Assessment of the applicant organization/GMP+ Certified Company took place in accordance with Appendix 1 of this document.
- The assessment and decision of a Certification Body must be demonstrably based on objective evidence of conformity and non-conformity obtained.
4.2.8. Certificate and Temporary acceptance Certificates/ Statement
A certificate has the following maximum validity:
- FRA certificates (all MI 5.1, MI 5.2, MI 5.3, MI 5.4 and MI 5.6): 3 years,
- FRA statement (MI 5.5): 14 months
calculated from the date of a positive certification decision. Within 8 weeks following the execution of the audit on site, the Certification Body will send the certificate/ statement to the applicant organization/GMP+ Certified Company. The duration of the GMP+ certificate/ statement must not exceed the validity of the certification agreement. Temporary acceptance
For FRA temporary acceptance see article of CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes. However, if during the initial certification audit on site (if applicable), the applicant organization does not appear to comply the GMP+ requirements conform Appendix 1 of this document (CR3.0) then the temporary acceptance must be withdrawn. Certificate and Temporary acceptance templates:
The Certification Body must put the following text on the certificate or temporary acceptance:
- Text for a certificate
Name of the Certification Body: GMP+ International registration number of the Certification Body: Certificate GMP+ FRA logo Name, address, location of the GMP+ Certified Company (Address where GMP+ activities take place) GMP+ International registration number of the GMP+ Certified Company FIXED SECTION =name CB= declares that there is justifiable confidence that the GMP+ scope(s) =as mentioned in F0.3 Scopes for certification= at the GMP+ Certified Company =name of GMP+ Certified Company= comply with the applicable requirements and conditions of the GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance Module 2020. The Feed Management system of the whole multi-site construction is certified and the validity of this certificate depends on the validity of the certificate of the main office1 FREE SECTION See F0.3 Scopes for certification - Optional Specification Registered office of the Certification Body Certificate number Start date and end date of certificate |
1 Only in case of an individual multi-site certificate, these sentences must be included in the certificate
- Text for temporary acceptance
Name of the Certification Body: GMP+ International registration number of the Certification Body: Temporary Acceptance Name, address, location of the temporary accepted company (Address where GMP+ activities take place) GMP+ International registration number of the temporary accepted company FIXED SECTION =name CB= declares that there is justifiable confidence that the GMP+ scope(s) =as mentioned in F0.3 Scopes for certification= at the GMP+ temporary accepted company =name of GMP+ temporary accepted company= comply with the criteria of a stage 1 assessment of the applicable requirements and conditions of the GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance Module 2020. “ The Feed Management system of the whole multi-site construction is temporary accepted and the validity of this temporary acceptance depends on the validity of the temporary acceptance of the main office”1 FREE SECTION See F0.3 Scope for certification - Optional Specification Registered office of the Certification Body Temporary acceptance number Start date and end date of temporary acceptance |
1 Only in case of an individual multi-site certificate, these sentences must be included in the certificate
- Text for statement
Name of the Certification Body GMP+ International registration number of the Certification Body STATEMENT GMP+ FRA logo The Certification Body [Name CB] states that company Y Name, location of company Y Visiting address and location of company Y GMP+ International registration number of the company location visited was inspected in accordance with the applicable requirements of MI5.5 Carbon footprint of feed and CR3.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Responsibility Assurance scopes of GMP+ International B.V. in Rijswijk, The Netherlands. The Certification Body [name CB] states, based on this inspection, that the company [name Company Y] complies with the requirements of MI5.5 Carbon footprint of feed. This statement applies to:
Date of inspection: Registered office of the Certification Body: Statement number: Statement start date: Statement end date: Next inspection to be conducted prior to date: |
In addition the following applies for the above certificate, temporary acceptance and statement:
- The data of the GMP+ Certified Company/temporary accepted company must exactly be the same as registered in the legal business registration. (for example Chamber of Commerce/registration at competent authority, tax/vat number)
- It is mandatory to show the GMP+ FRA logo on the certificate.
- It is not permitted to use the GMP+ FRA logo on a temporary acceptance. In addition, the document may not be called a “certificate” but must be designated as a “temporary acceptance”.
- It is not permitted to use the logos of Critical Location and non-Critical Location on the GMP+ certificate and temporary acceptance other than the GMP+ accepted Certification Body.
- The start date of the certificate/temporary acceptance is a date which is in any event equal or after the date of the positive certification/temporary acceptance decision.
- In case of expansion of scopes the end date of the valid GMP+ certificate may not be extended. The Certification Body can also grant the GMP+ Certified Company a new GMP+ certificate for the additional scope.
- It is not permitted to specify brand names in any way whatsoever on the certificate or temporary acceptance.
- (Contractual) conditions/ requirements are not allowed on the GMP+ certificate/temporary acceptance/statement.
4.3. Suspension or Withdrawal of a Certificate Temporary acceptance
The text of article 5.3 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.4. Transfer to another Certification Body
Article 5.4. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.4.1. Pre-transfer review
Article 5.4.1. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.4.2. Certification process during transfer
Article 5.4.2. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
4.4.3. Cooperation between the departing and accepting Certification Bodies
Article 5.4.3. of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable
5. Exclusion of GMP+ International Liability
Chapter 6 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable.
6. Tariffs
The Certification Body will use its own tariff. On behalf of GMP+ International, through the Certification Body, relevant tariff as listed in GMP+ CR4.0 Tariffs are charged.
7. Disputes between Certification Bodies and GMP+ certified companies
Disputes between Certification Bodies and applicant organization/GMP+ Certified Companies with respect to the assessment will initially be handled in accordance with the dispute regulation of the Certification Body. If this does not lead to a solution, then the dispute can be handled in accordance with the F0.5 Disputes procedure.
Appendix 1: Assessment criteria and sanctions for audits GMP+ FRA
Non-conformities are to be classified based on:
- The general assessment criteria as mentioned in this Appendix
- The specific assessment criteria as shown in the checklists.
The sanctions specified must be imposed as a minimum. Through the Certification Body it is allowed to impose stricter sanctions.
If in this table is mentioned certificate it also applies for the temporary acceptance.
Classification: Minor non-conformity | ||||
Description | Consequences | Period to close | ||
| ICA/RCA | SA | ||
GMP+ Certified Companies:
| < 10 non-conformities | Certificate can be issued | Certification can be continued | during next on-site audit |
≥ 10 non-conformities | Certificate cannot be issued | Certification can be continued | within 6 weeks |
Classification: Major non-conformity | |||
Description | Consequences | Period to close | |
ICA/RCA | SA | ||
GMP+ Certified Companies:
| Certificate cannot be issued | Certification can be continued but a stricter supervision audit may be performed (see Art. of CR2.0) | within 6 weeks |
Classification: Critical nonconformity | |||
Description | Consequences | Period to close | |
ICA/RCA | SA | ||
GMP+ Certified Companies:
| Certificate cannot be issued | *Level 1. Certification can be continued but stricter supervision audits must be performed (see Art. of CR2.0) | Within 2 weeks |
*Level 2. Certificate must be suspended: maximum 3 months | |||
Lifting of *level 2: Certificate can be continued only possible if the Certification Body can close the critical non-conformity during stricter supervision audit (see Art. of CR2.0) | |||
*Level 3. Certificate must be withdrawn at least 1 year excluded from participation in the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, as well as all Gatekeeper Options | |||
GMP+ Certified Companies:
| Certificate cannot be issued | *Level 1. Certificate must be suspended: maximum 3 months | |
Lifting of *level 1: Certificate can be continued only possible if the Certification Body can close the critical non-conformity during stricter supervision audit (see Art. of CR2.0) | |||
*Level 2. Certificate must be withdrawn at least 1 year excluded from participation in the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, as well as all Gatekeeper Options |
* Sanctions can be applied starting at any level.
Appendix 2: Frequency and Audits times
See Appendix 2 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes. These audits times are including preparation, reporting, etc. and audit time reduction is not allowed, unless one of the footnotes is applicable.
GMP+ R5.0 Feed Responsible Management System Requirements | Audit frequency | Minimum audit times in days | |
| Initial certification or recertification audit | Unannounced/Announced surveillance audit | |
GMP+ MI5.1 RTRS | | | |
GMP+ MI5.2 Responsible pig & poultry feed | | | |
GMP+ MI5.3 Responsible dairy feed | | | |
GMP+ MI5.4 GMO Controlled | | | |
GMP+ MI5.5 Carbon footprint of feed | | | |
GMP+ MI5.6 Responsible feed | | | |
In addition to a GMP+ FSA scope (or equivalent as mentioned in chapter 3 of TS1.2 Purchase)3; | | ||
RTRS | 1x / year | 0.251 + 0.25X2 | 0.251 + 0.25X2 |
Responsible pig & poultry feed | 1x / year | 0.251 + 0.25X2 | 0.251 + 0.25X2 |
Responsible dairy feed | 1x / year | 0.251 + 0.25X2 | 0.251 + 0.25X2 |
Production of compound feed - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251 + 0.125X2 | 0.251 + 0.125X2 |
Production of premixtures - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251+ 0.125X2 | 0.251+ 0.125X2 |
Production of feed additives - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251+ 0.125X2 | 0.251+ 0.125X2 |
Production of feed materials - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251+ 0.125X2 | 0.251+ 0.125X2 |
Trade in feed - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251+ 0.125X2 | 0.251+ 0.125X2 |
Storage and Transshipment of feed - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251+ 0.125X2 | 0.251+ 0.125X2 |
Road transport of feed - GMO Controlled | 1x / year | 0.251+ 0.125X2 | 0.251+ 0.125X2 |
Carbon footprint of feed | 1x / year | 0.501 + 0.25X2 | 0.251 + 0.25X2 |
Responsible feed | 1x / year | 0.251 + 0.25X2 | 0.251 + 0.25X2 |
As a stand-alone scope | | | |
RTRS4+5+6 | 1x / year | 0.75 + 0.25X2 | 0.75 + 0.25X2 |
Responsible pig & poultry feed4+5+6 | 1x / year | 0.75 + 0.25X2 | 0.75 + 0.25X2 |
Responsible dairy feed4+5+6 | 1x / year | 0.75 + 0.25X2 | 0.75 + 0.25X2 |
Carbon footprint of feed4+5+6 | 1x / year | 0.75 + 0.25X2 | 0.75 + 0.25X2 |
Responsible feed4+5+6 | 1x / year | 0.75 + 0.25X2 | 0.75 + 0.25X2 |
1 Audit time for the first FRA scope in combination with FSA at the same location. 2 Audit time for additional FRA scopes to be certified at the same location. For the first GMO controlled scope (also in combination with other FRA scopes) 0.25 must be added for each additional GMO controlled scope 0.125 must be added. 3 Reduction of audit times for the applicable FRA scopes only applies when the audit is simultaneously performed with the audit of the equivalent scheme by the same audit team. The audit team assessing the FRA scopes must have a valid GMP+ acceptation for the relevant FRA scopes. 4 Requirements for an additional production location: A location who has a legal or contractual link with the GMP+ certified main office for the applicable scope of the organization and be subject to a common management system, which is laid down, established and subject to continuous surveillance and internal audits by the main office. This means that the main office has rights to require that the locations implement corrective actions when needed in any location. Where applicable this must be set out in a formal agreement between the central office and the locations. For each additional production location audited, 0,5 day per type of audit is applicable. For each additional FRA scope 0,25 must be added. 5 If an invoicing address is applicable the minimum obliged audit time is 0,125 days. 6 If a PO-box is applicable the minimum obliged audit time is 0,125 days. |
Appendix 3: Multi-site certification
Appendix 4 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes is applicable. In addition:
Multi-site certification is not permitted for the FRA scopes:
- Production of compound feed - GMO controlled,
- Production of premixtures - GMO controlled,
- Production of feed materials - GMO controlled,
- Production of feed additives - GMO controlled.
Multi-site certification is permitted for the FRA scopes:
- Trade in feed - GMO controlled,
- Storage and Transshipment of feed - GMO controlled,
- Road transport of feed - GMO controlled,
- Responsible pig & poultry feed*
- Responsible dairy feed*
- Carbon footprint of feed*
- Responsible feed*
* With the exception of:
- the supply chain model Segregation or;
- when these scopes are audited in combination with a scope for which multi-site certification is not allowed (both FRA and FSA scopes).
Helpful tip
If, for example, a group of companies consist of multiple production locations and trade locations, the production locations in this group cannot be certified under multi-site but for the trade locations this is possible. If at these trade locations the supply chain model Segregation is applied also the trade locations cannot be certified under multi-site.
Audit frequency for a multi-site organization:
- With a main office and equal or less than 20 multi-site locations, all multi-site locations must be audited at least once during one certification cycle.
With a main office and more than 20 multi-site locations, all multi-site locations must be audited at least once during two consecutive certification cycles.
Minimum obliged audit time in day’s per multi-site location
Location | Minimum audit times2 |
Main office | Audit time mentioned in Appendix 2 increase with extra audit time per multi-site location of 0,253 day up to a maximum of 1,25 day. |
Multi- site location Trade in feed - GMO Controlled | 0,25 |
Multi-site location Storage and Transshipment of feed – GMO Controlled | 0,25 |
Multi-site location Road transport of feed – GMO Controlled | 0,25 |
Multi-site location with both Storage and Transshipment of feed and Road transport of feed – GMO Controlled | 0,25 |
Multi-site location with Storage and Transshipment of feed and/or Road transport of feed and/or limited Trade in feed – GMO Controlled | 0,50 |
Multi-site location with RTRS1 | 0,25 |
Multi-site location with Responsible pig & poultry feed1 | 0,25 |
Multi-site location with Responsible dairy feed1 | 0,25 |
Multi-site location with Carbon footprint of feed1 | 0,25 |
Multi-site location with Responsible feed1 | 0,25 |
Multi-site location PO-Box4 | 0,125 |
Multi-site location invoicing address4 | 0,125 |
1 If multiple supply chain models are applied by the company for each additional model 0,125 must be added. 2 If one of the responsible scope(s) is audited in combination with FSA scope or equivalent as mentioned in chapter 3 of TS1.2 Purchase, the audit times can be reduced with 50%. 3 If the multi-site is a PO-Box and/or an invoicing address no additional audit time at the main office is applicable., 4 Audit times are not applicable in combination with a FSA invoicing address/ PO box. |
Appendix 4: Auditing not at the GMP+ certified company location
The requirements as stated in Appendix 5 of CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes are applicable for the following scopes:
- Trade in feed – GMO Controlled;
- Road transport of feed – GMO Controlled;
- Road transport of feed – GMO Controlled mandatory sub-scope Tractionair;
- “Invoicing Address”;
- “PO-Box”.
Appendix 5: Remote audits
If an audit is performed in combination with a FSA scope then the requirements as stated in Appendix 6 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification of Feed Safety Assurance scopes prevail.
| Full Remote Audit | Guided Remote Audit | ||
Applicability | During the regular certification cycle | During extraordinary events | During extraordinary events | |
FRA Scopes |
| |
Type of audit |
| |
Specific Requirements | Prior to the audit, the Certification Body must perform and document a risk assessment with at least the following risks that have a significant impact on the audit:
| Same requirements for the risk assessment prior to the audit, as for Full remote audit during regular certification cycle.
| Same requirements for the risk assessment prior to the audit, as for Full remote audit during regular certification cycle.
| |
The Certification Body must secure the Guide’s impartiality and keep it as documented information. | ||||
Audit Time
| Appendix 2 of the GMP+ CR3.0.
70% of the audit time must be spent connected with the auditee using ICT tools. | Appendix 2 of the GMP+ CR3.0.
70% of the audit time must be spent connected with the auditee using ICT tools. | Appendix 2 of the GMP+ CR3.0
70% of the audit time must be spent connected with the auditee and Guide using ICT tools. | |
Audit team competences | Auditor competencies as per GMP+ CR1.0 | Auditor competencies as per GMP+ CR1.0
| Auditor competencies as per GMP+ CR1.0 | |
It is the responsibility of the Certification Body to determine if the Guide is competent. During the audit, the Guide is under the responsibility of the GMP+ accepted auditor of the Certification Body and must not draw conclusions during the audit | ||||
General Requirements | Follows the remaining requirements for the certification process as for a regular on-site audit | Follows the remaining requirements for the certification process as for a regular on-site audit | Follows the remaining requirements for the certification process as for a regular on-site audit | |
1If a company is acting as a main office for a production location(s), the full remote audit is not allowed. 2 If a company is acting as a main office of a multi-site construction, the full remote audit is not allowed. 3 Excluding the scopes which physically handle feed: Production – GMO controlled (all scopes), Storage and transshipment of feed – GMO controlled, Road Transport of feed – GMO controlled. (also not in combination with one of the other service scopes). |