International Database for Transport of Feed (IDTF) – Newsletter 2/2024

To ensure continuous updating of the IDTF database, the International Committee for Road Transport (GMP+ International, OVOCOM, QS, Qualimat, EFISC-GTP, AIC and AMA) decided on the execution of changes in the IDTF (

For the IDTF-No. 40271 (“Vegetable, mineral and animal products for human food (except if mentioned elsewhere in the IDTF)”) the title of this IDTF-entry is seen as too general and poses the risk that some products (especially animal products) may be sorted under this IDTF-number and thus possibly be transported even if they should – or legally may - not be transported before feed.


Therefore, IDTF-No. 40271 will be deleted as of 15/07/2024 and will no longer be included in the list of differences from this date.


The following product and cleaning regime will get deleted in the IDTF


Product name Cleaning regime Publication date Deletion date

Vegetable, mineral and animal
for human food (except
if mentioned elsewhere in the IDTF)

List of differences 01-06-2016 15-07-2024

Please contact your certification scheme if you transport food which is categorized under this IDTF-No. and shall be transported also after 15/07/2024.

If you have any questions, we invite you to contact your certification scheme.