The most frequently asked questions about the new website

A month after going live, we are now taking stock. A new website with a number of new features - we are getting a lot of positive comments and have also received a number of questions. Let us list the most frequently asked questions for you:

1. In which language is the website available?

By default, the website is available in German, English, and Dutch. If you use the translation option in your browser, you can translate our website into any language. Would you like to know how this works? Then please click here.

2. Where do I find the GMP+ FSA and GMP+        FRA-logos?

Please click here to download the logos. You can find the logos under ‘frequently asked questions’ on the Helpdesk page. The conditions for using our logo can be found in F0.1 Rights and obligations.

3. Where to find the GMP+ FC scheme 2010          documents

The documents of the GMP+ FC scheme 2010 are no longer available our website. However, you can still request these documents from the Helpdesk. Preferably use this form for this purpose and clearly state which document you are requesting. You may also contact the Helpdesk for the previous version of the GMP+ FC scheme 2020.

Is your question not included? Feel free to contact our Helpdesk.