Early Warning System
If a company detects unsafe feed, the Early Warning System (EWS) is there to enable fast response and communication for the whole feed chain to prevent further damage. Check the decision tree EWS whether it concerns an EWS notification or not. Want to know more about EWS? Click here. In case of an emergency call +31 (0)6 10 20 85 95.
GMP+ Monitoring database
The monitoring database includes anonymised analysis results from GMP+ certified companies, enabling other GMP+ certified companies to improve their risk management systems. For more information about the Monitoring database, go to the GMP+ Platform.
Risk Assessments
A range of risk assessments with production processes are available for every accepted feed material on the Product List of GMP+ International. Here you can find the process for submitting a risk assessments for new feed materials.
Fact sheets
A fact sheet is a collection of scientific information about undesirable substances and processing aids. The information can be used to handle these products in a controlled manner. Not only are undesirable substances (hazards) named, it also provides insight into the "why"-question. Why is this substance a hazard? And what is the possible effect on animals or humans? You can find more information on the portal.
Feed Fraud Prevention
We have a range of guidances and information to tackle feed fraud, which can affect feed safety and undermine the whole community. Tackling feed fraud starts with insights in your companies fraud vulnerability. Take the questionnaire to find out about your company’s fraud vulnerabilities.
Feed legislation
GMP+ requirements and (local) laws and regulations are inextricably linked, it is important for GMP+ International that everyone can easily find the applicable laws and regulations. Find out about feedlegislation.org, where you can find the latest updates to European feed legislation affecting the GMP+ community.
Services for transport
GMP+ International and partners provide a range of support for companies. Several practical services are available to support GMP+ certified companies in setting up their HACCP system.