Certification Bodies (CBs) carry out audits to assess whether GMP+ certified companies comply with the requirements of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme (GMP+ FC scheme) . In doing so, the CBs fulfil a crucial role in securing safe and sustainability feed.
CBs are required to provide accepted auditors. This requirement ensures GMP+ certified companies are assessed in an independent, consistent, and competent manner.
After acceptance by GMP+ International, Certification Bodies are authorised to issue and withdraw certificates. GMP+ International works together with Certification Bodies and auditors across the globe for both Feed Safety Assurance (GMP+ FSA) and Feed Responsibility Assurance (GMP+ FRA).
To verify that Certification Bodies comply with the requirements of the GMP+ FC scheme, GMP+ International conducts annual office audits, as well as parallel and witness audits of companies.
You can find accepted Certification Bodies on the GMP+ Company database.