International Expert Committee

The feed sector is constantly changing. As new initiatives and developments emerge, GMP+ International seeks input from our International Expert Committee (IEC) to ensure our Feed Certification scheme and other services remain practical and fit for purpose. 

The IEC consists of representatives from the feed chain. GMP+ International seeks advice from the IEC and its various subcommittees.  A change (general) or a Country Note (for a specific country) is published to inform the community if that advice is adopted. 


Specialist subcommittees of the IEC provide insights and review proposals for specific areas: 

  • Certification & Compliance 
  • Production
  • Responsible Feed
  • Technical Committee Risk Management
  • Trade & Collection Transport 

Join our committees 

The IEC and subcommittees consist of representatives from the feed chain, including GMP+ certified companies and partners. Your practical experience and expertise helps ensure GMP+ International’s work remains relevant in a constantly changing industry. 

If you are interested in joining one of our committees, please contact the GMP+ Helpdesk.