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MI5.3 Responsible dairy feed


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Version: 1 January 2024

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This Market Initiative (MI) document has been created in close collaboration between the Market Initiative Sustainable Dairy Chain (Duurzame Zuivelketen in Dutch) and GMP+ International. The main goal is to provide GMP+ certified companies the possibility for an add-on certification for feed that is compliant with the Sustainable Dairy Chain requirements.

Market initiative responsible compound feed

Being an important link between production, trade and consumption of soy through feed, the Sustainable Dairy Chain has asked GMP+ International to develop an objective and traceable assurance of the production and trade of responsible soy and responsible compound feed. This document is a result of this request.

Currently the production and trade of responsible soy and responsible compound feed is addressed in chapter 4 of this document. In the future this scope can be extended with production and trade of other commodities (for example palm oil and fish meal), but it is also possible to include other ‘responsibility aspects’ such as carbon footprint, energy use, etc. Therefore the document will grow in the upcoming years to facilitate growth into more and more responsible compound feed.

Sustainable Dairy Chain

The Sustainable Dairy Chain is an unique initiative in which the dairy industry and dairy farmers strive are working together on a future-proof dairy chain producing high-quality nutrition with respect for people, animals and environment and that is highly valued.

The Dutch Dairy Organisation (NZO), the Dutch Confederation of Agriculture and Horticulture (LTO Nederland), the Nederlandse Melkveehouders Vakbond – NMV (the trade union of the Dutch dairy farmers) and the Nederland Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt – NAJK (the Dutch Agricultural Young People’s Association) have joined forces in the Sustainable Dairy Chain.

This initiative has objectives in seven key areas:

  1. Climate sensible dairy
  2. Continuous improvement of animal health and welfare
  3. Cows in the meadows
  4. Biodiversity conservation
  5. Land-related dairy farming
  6. Safety at the farm yard
  7. Business models

One of the first initiatives regarding responsible dairy feed, is the dedication to 100% use of RTRS certified sustainable soy. With the scope ‘Responsible dairy feed’, the certified company can show that the feed complies with the requirements of the Sustainable Dairy Chain.

1. Scope of this document

This MI-document contains the requirements to produce and/or trade responsible soy and/or responsible compound feed intended for dairy.

2. Normative references

This MI-document must always be used in combination with the R 5.0 Feed Responsibility Management Systems Requirements which ensures the implementation of a Feed Responsibility Management System (FRMS). The combined use enables a company to provide responsible feed products and feed services in accordance to the request from the Market Initiative.

This document is to be used:

  1. in addition to the GMP+ FSA module, or;
  2. in combination with an equivalent feed safety standard (see TS 1.2 Purchase), or;
  3. without additional certification.

3. Terms and Definitions

See F 0.2 Definitions list.

4. Responsible dairy feed

4.1. Feed Responsibility Management System

The certified company must meet the following requirements mentioned in R 5.0 Feed Responsibility Management Systems Requirements:

Chapter / §



Normative references


System requirements (including the paragraphs in this chapter)


Material accounting system




Mass Balance


Book & Claim

4.2. Purchasing requirements

All feed labelled as compliant with the scope Responsible dairy feed must comply with the purchasing requirements below.

Helpful tip

See § 4.5.1. “Inform the customer about the status of the feed” in the document R 5.0 Feed Responsibility Management Systems Requirements.

4.2.1. Purchasing of responsible soy

The certified company must purchase its responsible soy from a supplier that is certified according the below specification:

For supply chain model:

Supplier that is certified for:


  • RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production
  • RTRS Chain of Custody Standard – with the scope Segregation
  • MI 5.1 with the scope RTRS segregation
  • MI 5.3 Responsible dairy feed

Mass Balance

  • RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production
  • RTRS Chain of Custody Standard – with the scope Segregation or Mass Balance
  • MI 5.1 with the scope RTRS segregation or RTRS mass balance
  • MI 5.3 Responsible dairy feed

Book & Claim

  • MI 5.3 Responsible dairy feed

4.2.2. Purchasing of credits

Credits (for the supply chain model Book & Claim) must be purchased on:

Online platform

RTRS Trading Platform

Helpful tip

Helpful tip: The RTRS Online Platform can be accessed via: via the direct link:

4.2.3. Purchasing of responsible compound feed

Responsible compound feed must be purchased from compound feed producers that are certified according to the following requirements:

Accepted certification scheme

MI 5.3 Responsible dairy feed

Feed Support Products

That was a lot of information to digest and one might ask, what is the next step? Luckily we can offer support for the GMP+ Community when doing this. We provide support by means of various tools and guidances but as each company has a shared responsibility to feed safety, and therefor tailor-made solutions cannot be offered. However, we do help by explaining requirements and provide background information about the requirements.

We have developed various supporting materials for the GMP+ Community. These include various tools, ranging from Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists to webinars and events.

Supporting materials related to this document (Guidelines and FAQ’s)

We have made documents available which give guidance to the GMP+ requirements as laid down in the module GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA. These documents give examples, answers to frequently asked questions or background information.

Find our Feed Support Products here:


More information: Support documents