1. Introduction
The GMP+ Feed Certification scheme is based on a number of principles. An important principle is that feed companies, working together in a feed supply chain, have a shared responsibility to ensure that safe feed is delivered to livestock farmers. This shared responsibility is reflected in the purchase requirements. These requirements must be considered as a minimum.
2. Scope of this document
In addition to the requirements in the GMP+ documents, this document specifies:
- Which certification of a supplier of a feed or a feed services is accepted (Chapter 3)
- Which so-called gatekeeping options can be applied for purchasing non-certified feed or feed services but also for non-feed products or non-feed services such as veterinary medicinal products, silo cleaning service and raw materials for soap stock splitting (Chapter 4).
3. Overview of GMP+ and Accepted certificates
The following tables provides for several feed products and feed services the GMP+ and accepted certifications, including – if applicable – additional requirements:
3.1. Purchase of Compound feed and Semi-manufactured products
Accepted certificates - scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Production of compound feed GMP+ Trade in feed – compound feed | |
FCA-BC-02 - MP, production of compound feed FCA-BC-03 - MH, trading of compound feed | |
QS-certified producers of compound feed QS-certified traders QS-certified mobile feed milling and mixing plants | QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tabOther certification schemes |
UFAS Compound Feed UFAS Merchants - trading of compound feeds | |
FAMI-QS - production of Complementary Feed FAMI-QS - production of Dietetic Feed FAMI-QS - trading of Complementary Feed FAMI-QS - trading of Dietetic Feed | FAMI-QS company must be listed with the scope Complementary Feed and / or Dietetic Feed. |
OQUALIM-RCNA International - certified producers of compound feed OQUALIM-RCNA International - certified distributors / traders of compound feed | OQUALIM company must have the designation “RCNA International” specified on the certificate. |
pastus+ - certified producers of compound feed pastus+ - certified traders of compound feed | pastus+ company must be listed in the GMP+ list of pastus+ participants. |
3.2. Purchase of premixtures
Accepted certificates - scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Production of premixtures GMP+ Trade in feed - premixtures | |
FCA -BC-02 - VP, production of premixtures FCA -BC-03 - VH, trading of premixtures | |
FAMI-QS - production of Mixtures FAMI-QS - trading of Mixtures | FAMI-QS company must be listed with the scope Mixtures (function). |
QS-certified producers of premixtures QS-certified traders | QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tabOther certification schemes |
UFAS Compound Feed UFAS Merchants - trading of premixtures | |
OQUALIM-RCNA International - certified producers of premixtures OQUALIM-RCNA International - certified distributors / traders of premixtures | OQUALIM company must have the designation “RCNA International” specified on the certificate. |
3.3. Purchase of feed additives
Accepted certificates - scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Production of feed additives GMP+ Trade in feed – feed additives | |
FCA -BC-02 - TP, production of feed additives FCA -BC-03 - TH, trading of feed additives | |
FAMI-QS - production of Ingredients FAMI-QS - trading of Ingredients | FAMI-QS company must be listed with the scope Ingredients (process). The purchased additives must be listed in this database as well. |
UFAS Merchants - trading of feed ingredients FEMAS Core standard FEMAS Intermediate Supplier | |
QS-certified producers of additives QS-certified traders | QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tab Other certification schemes |
OQUALIM-RCNA International - certified distributors / traders of feed additives | OQUALIM company must be:
or belongs to a group of companies of which at least one company is certified as above. Note: The delivered feed additive must – of course - be produced by certified producer. |
3.4. Purchase of feed materials
3.4.1. General
Accepted certificates - scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Production of feed materials GMP+ Trade in feed – feed materials | |
FCA -BC-02 - GP, production of feed materials FCA -BC-02 (VWP), production of by-products for reprocessing (company in food sector) FCA -BC-02 (GPVW), production of feed materials originating from by-products for reprocessing FCA -BC-03 - GH, trading of feed materials FCA -BC-03 (VWH), trade in of by-products for reprocessing | |
QS-certified producers of feed materials QS-certified traders |
As an exception to the requirement that a generic risk assessment for the feed material is included in the TS1.3 Product list, purchasing a feed material from a QS certified company is also allowed when this feed materials is included in the QS-Liste der Einzelfuttermittel |
FEMAS Core standard FEMAS Intermediate Supplier UFAS Merchants - trading of feed ingredients | |
FAMI-QS - production of Ingredients FAMI-QS - trading of Ingredients |
| |
pastus+ -certified producers of feed materials pastus+ -certified traders of feed materials | pastus+ company must be listed in the GMP+ list of pastus+ participants. |
OQUALIM-RCNA International - certified distributors / traders of feed materials | OQUALIM company must be:
CSA-GTP- certified collectors (trade and storage & transshipment) | For the following products: unprocessed French cereals, oilseeds and protein crops (grains) intended to be used as feed. |
3.4.2. Purchase of feed materials from companies with specific certificates
Some feed materials can also be purchased from a company with a specific certificate: | |
Feed materials | Approved certificates / special requirements |
Combinable crops (grains, (oil-)seeds and legumes | TASCC Merchants (trading of whole unprocessed combinable crops for food and feed use) |
QS- Guideline Service Package for agriculture production QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tab Other certification schemes. | |
Bakery by-products | Certification under the ‘Hygiene Code voor Brood en Banketbakkerij’ incl. Diervoedermodule (Nederlands Bakkerij Centrum/ISACert) |
Graded consumption potatoes | Certification under the ‘Hygiene Code voor ongeschilde (zoete) aardappelen’ and with a designation 'HACCP + GMP' (Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie; NAO) |
Whey from farmers | Certification under ‘Hygienecode voor de Boerderijzuivelbereiding’(inclusief bijlage 7). The farmer must be listed as such on the https://boerderijzuivel.nl/keurmerken/gmp-weiafvoer |
Dairy products | The product must be supplied under Reg. (EC) 853/2004 |
3.5. Purchase of Storage and Transshipment
Accepted certificates -scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Storage and transshipment of feed | |
FCA -BC-04 – OO storage and transshipment of animal feed | |
TASCC Storage | |
EFISC-GTP - storage of feed materials of vegetable origin. | |
QS-certified companies - storage and transshipment | QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tab Other certification schemes |
pastus+ -certified companies - storage and transshipment | pastus+ company must be listed in the GMP+ list of pastus+ participants. |
Note: Storage of packaged goods does not necessarily have to be bought from a GMP+ certified service provider. See for more information GMP+ companies database, tab Other certification schemes. |
3.6. Purchase of transport
Accepted certificates and scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Road transport of feed GMP+ Inland waterway transport of feed | |
FCA -BC-05 - TVWE, road transport of animal feed FCA -BC-08 - Hygiene Code for inland waterway transport | |
TASCC Road Haulage - road transport | Transport, which is subcontracted by a TASCC Road Haulage transport company is not accepted |
Qualimat - road transport | |
QS-certified companies -road transport | QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tab Other certification schemes |
EFISC-GTP transport of feed materials of vegetable origin | Only accepted in combination with EFISC-GTP trade scope. |
pastus+ -certified companies -road transport | pastus+ company must listed in the GMP+ list of pastus+ participants. |
CSA-GTP- certified companies – road transport |
Note 1: Above-mentioned requirements also apply for the purchase of traction units. Note 2: An external transport company does not have to be GMP+-certified or equivalent in the event of:
The GMP+ certified producer or trader is responsible for sealing the loading compartment.
3.7. Purchase of affreightment
Accepted certificates - scopes | Additional requirements |
GMP+ Affreightment of inland waterway transport GMP+ Affreightment of short sea shipping GMP+ Affreightment of road transport GMP+ Affreightment of rail transport GMP+ Affreightment of sea transport | |
FCA -BC-07 - TVM, Chartering of animal feed via marine transport | |
FCA -BC-06 - TVWA, Chartering of animal feed via inland waterway | |
FCA -BC-09 - TVOR, Transport organisation of feed or by rail | |
QS-certified companies with scope affreightment of rail, inland waterway and sea ship transport | QS company must be listed in the GMP+ companies database, tab Other certification schemes |
Note: An external freight broker does not have to be GMP+-certified or equivalent in the event of:
3.8. Purchase of laboratory services
If measurement and monitoring take place by way of an analysis, the GMP+ certified company must ensure this is done by a laboratory approved for this under the GMP+ FSA module. The table below shows which qualifications are approved for which analysis.
Analysis | Accepted certificates - scopes | Additional requirements |
A) Critical contaminants:
* The analysis of these parameters in feed additives and premixtures must be done by a laboratory with an independently verified quality management system as included under B) Other contaminants. | An independently verified quality management system as included under B) supplemented by GMP+ Registered Laboratory |
B) Other contaminants | GMP+ Laboratory testing | The concerning analysis must be under the scope of the certified laboratory certificate |
ISO17025 accredited laboratory for the analysis in question | | |
ISO17025 accredited laboratory for another analysis than the one in question | Only if the GMP+ certified company can motivate why it is not possible to make use of a laboratory which is ISO17025 accredited for the analysis in question. This motivation must be retained as documented information. | |
TASCC Facilities Testing | |
3.9. Purchase of other services
Services | Accepted certificates - scopes |
Production or processing on a contract basis (third party/subcontractor) | GMP+ Production of feed materials GMP+ Production of feed additives GMP+ Production of premixtures GMP+ Production of compound feed |
Certificate with the corresponding scope from other, accepted certification schemes |
4. Gatekeeper options
4.1. General gatekeeper requirements
Gatekeeping means that the GMP+ certified company purchases a feed or a feed service, which is not covered under the scope of either a GMP+ certification or another, accepted feed safety certification.
The gatekeeper takes responsibility for the safety of the feed or feed service which will be brought into the GMP+ chain.
Helpful tip
In this chapter the GMP+ certified company will be indicated with the word “gatekeeper”.
- The gatekeeper must consistently provide products and services that:
- are safe for use in or as feed, and;
- comply with the relevant GMP+ requirements;
- comply with the relevant feed legislation.
- The gatekeeper must carry out a hazard analysis in compliance with the HACCP principles, as laid down in the relevant GMP+ standards. This hazard analysis must include all operations and activities, from original production up to delivery, and must result in addressing and controlling all hazards related to the:
- specific feed product concerned;
- production process of this feed product;
- other operations and activities like storage and transport.
- Some gatekeeper protocols require the GMP+ company to notify both the Certification Body and GMP+ International. For details see the specific gatekeeper protocols.
- If the gatekeeper transfers responsibilities with regard to the application of the gatekeeper protocol to the supplier, this must be clearly agreed and stated, for example in the contract.
4.1.1. Sharing analysis results
The gatekeeper must include the results of analysis, carried out in the context of gatekeeping, at least once per month in the GMP+ Monitoring database. Results from the analysis must be shared with the GMP+ Community in the GMP+ Monitoring database.
The gatekeeper who makes use of analysis results from a non-certified supplier must ensure that the analysis is carried out by a laboratory approved for this under the GMP+ FSA module. See § 3.8.
4.2. Feed products and Services which cannot be purchased under a gatekeeper protocol
It is not possible to act as a gatekeeper for the purchase of the following feed products:
- Compound feed
- Premixtures
- Specific by-products from the oil- and fat industry:
Regulation (EU) no. 68/2013 , including amendments to this regulation. | |
Number | Name |
13.6.1 | Acid oils from chemical refining |
13.6.2 | Fatty acids esterified with glycerol |
13.6.3 | Mono di and tri glycerides of fatty acids |
13.6.4 | Salts of fatty acids |
13.6.5 | Fatty acid distillates from physical refining |
13.6.6 | Crude fatty acids |
13.6.7 | Pure distilled fatty acids |
13.6.9 | Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with organic acids |
13.6.10 | Sucrose esters of fatty acids |
13.6.11 | Sucroglycerides of fatty acids |
13.11.2 | Mono-esters of propylene glycol and fatty acids |
4.3. Gatekeeper requirements for Purchase of specific feed ingredients
This chapter provides specific gatekeeping requirements for purchasing specific feed products from non-GMP+ or equivalent origins.
4.3.1. Purchase of unprocessed agricultural products from grower to use in or as feed
Scope of application | ||
Feed product | Unprocessed agricultural products, including hay and straw, from grower Hay and straw, from grower-collector | |
Origin | All countries | |
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. | |
Applicable until | No time limit | |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 | |
Specific conditions |
| |
| ||
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes Note: The results of the benchmark of the certification schemes for growers can be used as input. See the GMP+ website / Collaborations / Growers schemes. |
| Recommended | |
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling. For batch definition see F0.2 Definition list. | |
| Based on HACCP | |
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | No |
4.3.2. Purchase of unprocessed Grains, (Oil) Seeds and Legumes out of a collect chain
Scope of application | |||
Feed product | Unprocessed grains, (oil)seeds and legumes (from collector) Note that conditions for purchasing from growers are laid down in § 4.3.1. | ||
Origin | The unprocessed grains, (oil)seeds and legumes are grown outside of countries listed below | ||
| ||
Intervention grain from any EU country | |||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. | ||
Applicable until | No time limit | ||
Requirements for the gatekeeper | |||
General | See § 4.1 | ||
Specific conditions | If the GMP+ certified company purchases a batch of feed materials from a non-GMP+ certified company and sells this on FOB to a GMP+ certified client, then this client must comply with the requirements from this protocol. | ||
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes | |
| Recommended | ||
| See below | ||
| See below | ||
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | ||
Sampling and testing | |||
| |||
Parameter | Remark | ||
Pesticide residues | The screening must cover all relevant pesticides based on information about:
| ||
Mycotoxins : | | ||
Aflatoxin B1 | At least applicable to maize | ||
Deoxynivalenol (DON) | At least applicable to all cereals | ||
Zearalenon (ZEA) | At least applicable to all cereals and soy beans | ||
Ochratoxin A (OTA) | At least applicable to all cereals | ||
Heavy metals :
| | ||
| In case the product is not dried or in case the gatekeeper has documented information that in the drying process:
the 100% monitoring can be reduced (in accordance with HACCP principles as laid down in GMP+ standard). | ||
Hydrocyanic acid | Only applicable for linseed | ||
Salmonella | | ||
Free gossypol | Cottonseed | ||
Notification about application of this protocol | |||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | ||
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol will be used in another country of origin. |
4.3.3. Purchase of Additives, Foodstuffs, Pharma products, herbs and spices
Scope of application | ||
Product | Additives, herbs and spices should be approved for use in feed:
See F0.2 Definition list for the definition of feed additives. | |
| Foodstuffs, produced under:
See F0.2 Definition list for the definition of foodstuffs Note: The foodstuff does not have to be included in the TS1.3 Product List. See also § 3.4.2 for purchase of dairy foodstuffs | |
| Pharma product, produced under European Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards or equivalent. | |
Excluded from this scope are:
| ||
Origin | All countries | |
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. | |
Applicable until | No time limit | |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 Note: when using this protocol it is not necessary to include the results of analysis in the GMP+ Monitoring database. | |
Specific conditions | Purchased additives must be food, feed or pharma grade. When using these products in feed, special feed legislation might be applicable (for example labelling). In case of purchase of foodstuff or food additives, the gatekeeper must investigate if and how the product can be used in feed and what feed legislation is applicable. | |
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes |
| Recommended | |
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling. For batch definition see F 0.2 Definition list | |
| Based on HACCP | |
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol will be used for a new combination of producer and product. |
4.3.4. Purchase of former foodstuffs
Scope of application | ||
Feed product |
See F0.2 Definition list for the definition of former foodstuffs. | |
Excluded from the scope:
| ||
Origin | All countries | |
Purchased directly from a food company, which has at least a written HACCP plan. This HACCP plan:
Purchased from an intermediate food trader is allowed, if:
| ||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. Under the scope ‘Trade’ the product can only be sold one step further down the chain to:
Relevant information must be provided. See also ‘Specific Conditions’. | |
Applicable until | No time limit | |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 | |
Specific conditions |
| |
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes As a part of the supplier evaluation documented information of risk assessment must be available. See for an example support document S9.10 Common daily practice company documents. |
| Yes
| |
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling For batch definition see F0.2 Definition list. | |
| Based on HACCP | |
Retain as documented information | Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This includes the above-mentioned FSDS. This information must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol will be used for a new combination of producer and product. |
4.3.5. Purchase of palm oil
Scope of application | |||
Feed product | Crude, refined and/or fractioned palm(kernel) oil, as defined under no. 2.20.1 on the EU Feed Catalogue 68/2013 (including amendments to this regulation) | ||
Origin | All countries | ||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. | ||
Applicable until | No time limit | ||
Requirements for the gatekeeper | |||
General | See § 4.1 | ||
Specific conditions | The GMP+ certified company purchases above mentioned products based on FOSFA contracts 53, 54, 80 or 81. These are based on application of the manual “FOSFA qualifications and procedures for vessels engaged in the carriage of oils and fats in bulk for edible and oleo chemical use”
| ||
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes | |
| Recommended | |
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling. For batch definition see F0.2 Definition list. Sampling in accordance with NEN-EN-ISO method 5555 by a FOSFA Member Superintendent | |
| See below | |
Retain as documented information | The gatekeeper must retain as documented information per palm oil mill location:
Further, from every batch received the following documented information must be retained:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | ||
Sampling and testing | |||
Testing The samples must in any event be analysed for the parameters and with the frequency which are summarised below. If the hazard analysis shows that other parameters deserve attention then these must be analysed as well. | |||
Parameter | Frequency | Remark | |
Free Fatty Acids (FFA) | Each batch | Acceptance limit:
| |
Pesticide residues | Every six months | Rejection limit: consult TS1.5 Specific feed safety limits. Pesticide screening The screening must be based on information about:
| |
Heavy metals :
| On the basis of a hazard analysis but at least once per 12 months | Rejection limit: consult | |
Dioxins | Once in three months, varied origins | Rejection limit: consult TS1.5 Specific feed safety limits | |
Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB’s | Once in three months, varied origins | Rejection limit: consult TS1.5 Specific feed safety limits | |
Mineral oil hydrocarbons (C10-C40) | Each batch | Rejection limit: consult TS1.5 Specific feed safety limits | |
Notification about application of this protocol | |||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | ||
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol will be used for a new combination of producer and country of cultivation. |
4.3.6. Purchase of feed materials of mineral origin
Scope of application | ||||||||||||||||||
Feed product | Minerals (this concerns single minerals, not mixes of minerals/premixtures). The mineral must be included in the TS1.3 product list
| |||||||||||||||||
Origin | The minerals are produced outside the countries listed below.
| |||||||||||||||||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope | |||||||||||||||||
Applicable until | The gatekeeper must make a choice between 2 options:
Note: If for whatever reason after 18 months the producer is not certified, the monitoring of each batch must be applied. | |||||||||||||||||
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||||||||||||||||||
General | See § 4.1 | |||||||||||||||||
Specific conditions
| The gatekeeper must make a clear and unambiguous agreement with the supplier about:
Purchased minerals must be suitable to be used in feed. The gatekeeper must investigate if and how the product can be used in feed and what feed legislation is applicable . The gatekeeper purchasing minerals that are not yet suitable as feed material must first process the product into a feed material. A validated treatment must be performed. The treatment must be in accordance with scheme requirements. In case the mineral is genuinely intended for feed and/or does not need further processing, it must be imported as a feed material and declared as such in custom duties on all import documentations (such as Bill of lading, certificate, invoices, custom declarations).
| |||||||||||||||||
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes | ||||||||||||||||
| Recommended
See S9.7 for more information on how to execute supplier assessments. | |||||||||||||||||
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS 1.6 Sampling. For batch definition see F 0.2 Definition list | |||||||||||||||||
| Option 1: See below --------------------------------------- Option 2: Based on HACCP | |||||||||||||||||
Retain as documented information | The HACCP assessment must encompasses all operations and activities, from original excavation / production up to delivery, and must result in adressing and controlling all hazard related to the
In addition, the Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International.
Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | |||||||||||||||||
Testing option 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
The samples must in any event be analysed for the parameters and with the frequency which are summarised below | ||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | Frequency | Remarks | ||||||||||||||||
Heavy metals:
| Each batch
| For action - and rejection limits see TS1.5 Specific feed safety limits | ||||||||||||||||
Fluorine | Each batch | |||||||||||||||||
Dioxins | Each batch | |||||||||||||||||
Sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs | Each batch | |||||||||||||||||
Dioxin-like PCBs | Each batch | |||||||||||||||||
Non-dioxin-like PCBs | Each batch | |||||||||||||||||
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH4) | Each batch if directly dried | |||||||||||||||||
Notification about application of this protocol
| ||||||||||||||||||
Notification to the Certification Body
| Yes
| |||||||||||||||||
Notification to GMP+ International
| Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. (option 1). Before starting using option 2, GMP+ International must be notified via a special form LINK. A validation is part of the notification procedure. For more details about the procedure see the FAQ list. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol is used for a new combination of producer and product. |
4.3.7. Purchase of processed feed materials
Scope of application | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Feed product | Processed feed materials:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Origin | The processed feed materials are produced outside the countries listed below and if there is a trader between the producer and the gatekeeper - this trader is located outside the countries listed below, unless sold on FOB-conditions.
Note: Based on a yearly assessment of developments, specific countries (or product-country combinations) can be added to this list. When it is decided to add a country (or a product-country combination) to the list, this will be announced well in advance. The next countries will be evaluated, with the aim to add them to list of countries where gatekeeping is not possible:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable until | The gatekeeper must make a choice between 2 options:
Note: If for whatever reason after 18 months the producer is not certified, the batch by batch monitoring must be applied. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General | See § 4.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specific conditions | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Recommended | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling. For batch definition see F0.2 Definition list | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Option 1: See § --------------------------------------- Option 2: Based on HACCP | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notification about application of this protocol | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. (option 1). Before starting using option 2, GMP+ International must be notified via a special form LINK. A validation is part of the notification procedure. For more details about the procedure see the FAQ list. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol is used for a new combination of producer and product. | Appendix 1: Testing
- Each sample must any event be analysed for the parameters which are summarised below. If the hazard analysis shows that other parameters deserve attention then these must be analysed as well.
Note: to help to classify an individual feed material in the correct category, consult this document .
- Where the table does not provide information about parameters, the gatekeeper must determine the parameters to be analysed for each batch based on the hazard analysis. The gatekeeper must submit via this LINK the monitoring plan to GMP+ International for validation before starting applying the gatekeeper protocol.
Hazard Category of Feed material | Pesticides residues | Aflatoxine B1 | DON | ZEA | Fumonisines | OTA | T2/ HT2 | Heavy metals 4 (As,Cd,Pb, Hg) | Dioxines DL PCB’s | Ndl PCB’s | PAH4 | Salmonella | Nickel | Hydro cyanic acid | Antibiotics | Methanol | Insoluble impurities |
(By) products of cereal grains incl. starch production | X | Xb | X | X | Xb | X | Xa | X | X | X | | X | | | | | |
(By-)products from potato starch production | X | | | | | | | X | X | X | Xd | Xf | | | | | |
(By-)products of oil seeds, oil fruits, oil supplying plants (meals, expellers) | X | X | | X | | | | X | X | X | | X | | Xc | | | |
(By-)products from sugar production | X | | | X | | | | X | X | X | Xd | X | | | | | |
(By)-products from beer production (yeast, feed beer) | X | | | | | | | X | Xd | Xd | | X | | | Xg | | |
(By-)products from malting (malt rootlets, malt), íncl. brewers’ grains and DDGS | X | Xb | X | X | Xb | X | Xa | X | X | X | | X | | | | | |
(By) -products of legumes | X | | | | | | | X | Xd | Xd | Xd | X | | | | | |
Dried grass meal | X | | | | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | | | | |
(By-)products from fruit processing | X | Xi | | | | | | X | Xd | Xd | Xd | | | Xi | | | |
Hazard Category of Feed material | Pesticides residues | Heavy metals 4 (As,Cd,Pb,Hg) | Dioxines DL PCB’s | Ndl PCB’s | PAH4 | Salmonella | Nickel | Antibiotica | Methanol | Insoluble impurities |
(By-)products from milk and egg production | | X | Xh | Xh | | X | | | | |
Fats, oils (including animal fats) and glycerine, with exception of products mentioned in par. 4.2 | X | Xn | X | X | Xj | | Xk | | Xn | Xm |
Fish, marine animals and (by)products | X | X | X | X | X | X | | Xl | | |
a Only for oat and oat products | f For protein rich products | k Only for solid fats |
b Only for maize and maize products | g For yeast, if production process is unknown | l Only for fish and shrimps from non-EU countries |
c Only for linseed | h For egg products and products containing fat | m Only for animal fat, legal requirement |
d If dried directly | i Only for almonds and apricots | n Only for glycerine |
e If delivery directly to farmer | j Only for vegetable oil and glycerine | |
4.3.8. Purchase of feed for feed trial
Scope of application | ||
Feed product | Feed for feed trial Note that this protocol is not referring to a specific feed product, but to the purpose for which the feed product is purchased. | |
Origin | All countries | |
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production scope | |
Applicable until | No time limit | |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 | |
Specific requirements | If specific feed materials are part of the test, they do not have to be on the TS1.3 Product list. If non-registered veterinary medicine or non-approved additives are processed, the gatekeeper must:
| |
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes |
| Recommended | |
| Each batch in accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling For batch definition see F0.2 Definition list. | |
| Based on HACCP | |
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request– for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting to use this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol is used for a new combination of producer and product. |
4.4. Gatekeeper requirements for purchase of feed services
4.4.1. Purchase of road transport
Scope of application | |
Feed service |
Origin | Applicable for road transport outside of countries listed below:
This gatekeeper protocol can also be applied for road transport in every country in the following cases:
Applied by |
| |
| |
Applicable until | No time limit |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 | |
Specific requirements | Gatekeeper must:
This check is done by means of an initial and periodic inspection carried out by a loading inspector. Additionally, when “for foodstuffs only” loading compartments are used for transport of vegetable foodstuffs for use in feed, they must be marked as such in a clearly visible and indelible fashion. “For foodstuffs only” loading compartments must be covered by HACCP certification of the carrier. | |
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes |
| Yes, by means of an initial and periodic inspection | |
| Not applicable | |
| Not applicable | |
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information:
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time this gatekeeper protocol will be used in another country. |
4.4.2. Purchase of inland waterway transport
Scope of application | ||
Feed service | Inland waterway transport in bulk | |
Origin | Applicable for inland waterway transport outside of countries listed below:
| |
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with at least the scope Affreightment of inland waterway transport | |
Applicable until | No time limit | |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 | |
Specific requirements | Gatekeeper must:
For definition of CO see F0.2 Definition list. | |
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes |
| Yes, by means of an initial inspection | |
| Not applicable | |
| Not applicable | |
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information::
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time when this gatekeeper protocol will be used in another country. |
4.4.3. Purchase of storage and transshipment
Scope of application | ||
Feed service | Storage and transshipment | |
Origin | Applicable for storage and transhipment outside of countries listed below:
| |
This gatekeeper protocol can also be applied in all countries in the following cases:
| ||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company with a production or trade scope. | |
Applicable until | No time limit | |
Requirements for the gatekeeper | ||
General | See § 4.1 | |
Specific requirements | Gatekeeper must:
| |
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes |
| Yes by means of an initial inspection and after that a risk based periodic inspection. | |
| Not applicable | |
| Not applicable | |
Retain as documented information | Gatekeeper must retain as documented information::
Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. | |
Notification about application of this protocol | ||
Notification to the Certification Body | Yes | |
Notification to GMP+ International | Yes, before starting using this protocol, via this LINK. GMP+ International must be notified each time this gatekeeper protocol will be used in another country. |
4.5. Special gatekeeping options
4.5.1. Other Products and Services
Scope of application | |||
Product | All other products and services which can have a negative impact on the feed safety and are not addressed in other protocols. | ||
| Examples: silage agents, cleaning agents, lubricants, processing aids, veterinary medicinal products, silo cleaning service, pest control service, raw materials for feed. See for more information S9.3 - Explanation of GMP+ feed chain | ||
Origin | All countries | ||
Applied by | GMP+ certified company | ||
Applicable until | No time limit | ||
Requirements for the gatekeeper | |||
General | See § 4.1 Note: when using this protocol it is not necessary to include the results of analysis in the GMP+ Monitoring database. | ||
Specific conditions | No | ||
Supplier evaluation |
| Yes | |
| Recommended | ||
| In accordance with the requirements as described in document TS1.6 Sampling | ||
| Based on HACCP | ||
Retain as documented information | Documented information related to the application of this protocol must be retained. This must be available for the auditor and – upon request – for GMP+ International. Note: (parts) of the above listed information might not always be available. In the framework of application of HACCP-principles, this lack of information can result in defining more control measures and monitoring. | ||
Notification about application of this protocol | |||
Notification to the Certification Body | No | ||
Notification to GMP+ International | No |
4.5.2. Raw materials for soap stock splitting
Accepted certificates -scopes | |
All certificates -scopes listed § 3.4.1. Note: The soap stock splitters are to be considered as a starting point in the assured chain. Therefore the raw materials can also be purchased from uncertified suppliers, based on the results of a hazard analysis. | |
Additional requirements | |
Soap stock splitter must ensure there is a clear contract with the suppliers of the raw materials with specification of the incoming raw materials and the literally stated the negative list of raw materials. | |
Raw materials to be used |
This is from GMQ crude vegetable oil which quality is also used to process refined oils for human consumption. The oil which is used in biodiesel production is only partly refined, meaning only neutralized. Bleaching and deodorization is normally not part of the biodiesel process. |
Raw materials not be used (negative list) |
For definition of GMQ, First generation GMQ oil, MONG and Multi feedstock see F0.2 Definition list. |
Risk Management tools
That was a lot of information to digest and one might ask, what is the next step? Luckily we can offer support for the GMP+ Community when doing this. We provide support by means of various tools and guidances but as each company has a shared responsibility to feed safety, and therefor tailor-made solutions cannot be offered. However, we do help by explaining requirements and provide background information about the requirements.
We have developed various supporting materials for the GMP+ Community. These include various tools, ranging from Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists to webinars and events.
Supporting materials related to this document (Guidelines and FAQ’s)
We have made documents available which give guidance to the GMP+ requirements as laid down in the module GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA. These documents give examples, answers to frequently asked questions or background information.
GMP+ Monitoring database
The GMP+ Monitoring database contains analysis results from you and other users. It is possible to generate reports based on this data. We have a manual and a frequently asked questions document available.
Where to find more about the GMP+ International Risk Management tools? Fact sheets More information: GMP+ Platform Product list More information: Product List Risk Assessments More information: GMP+ Platform GMP+ Monitoring database More information: GMP+ Monitoring database Support documents More information: Support documents |