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TS1.8 Labelling


This document is available in 4 different languages

Version: 1 March 2021

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1. Labelling

1.1. General

The GMP+ certified company must ensure that the labelling and delivery of the feed which it delivers complies with the applicable legislation for both the country in which the certified company is located and the country in which the feed is marketed. See R 1.0 Feed Safety Management Systems Requirements § 4.1.

The product information required by national and international legislation must be provided on delivery to the customer. The documentation with respect to delivery must be clear.

1.2. Labelling of By-products of the oils and fats industry

The following requirements apply to producers of by-products from the oil and fat industry.

When a by-product of the oils and fats industry is being sold, the product name (including botanical origin) and number according to Reg. (EU) No 68/2013, as amended, must be declared (see Annex 2 to this document).

When composite products are sold, the names and numbers of all ingredients must be mentioned.

These labelling requirements apply for all origins, European Union and non-European Union.

Note: Although not addressed in every scheme as a feed safety issue, the GMO labelling must also comply with European Union legislation.

2. Positive declaration

The certified company must make the status of the delivered feed or service clear to the customer. This must be done using a positive declaration for all feed and services assured under its GMP+ Feed Safety Management System.

The obligation to inform the customer via a positive declaration applies to delivery to:

  1. GMP+ certified customers, or;
  2. customers who are certified under another certification scheme which has been declared to be equivalent to the GMP+ FC scheme (see TS 1.2 Purchase), or;
  3. livestock farmers.

    The positive declaration must:

  1. be communicated in writing
  2. must contain wording as described in Annex 1 or a translation of the English wording
  3. be in clear reference to the delivered feed or service
  4. be written in the official language (or at least one of the official languages) of the country where the feed is marketed or a language understood by the customer
  5. be unambiguous/clear to ensure a mutual understanding between seller and customer about the status of the feed or service.

Translations of positive declarations can be found in Annex 1 below.

Appendix 1: Examples of positive declaration


Statements for placing feed on the market

Statements for delivery of service

The goods delivered are GMP+ FSA assured

The service delivered has the GMP+ status as specified in the GMP+ FSA module

The goods delivered have the GMP+ status as specified in the GMP+ FSA module

The service to be delivered has the GMP+ status as specified in the GMP+ FSA module

The feed delivered has the GMP+ status as specified in the GMP+ FSA module

The service delivered is GMP+ FSA assured

The feed to be delivered has the GMP+ status as specified in the GMP+ FSA module

The service to be delivered is GMP+ FSA assured

The feed delivered is GMP+ FSA assured

GMP+ FSA assured

The feed to be delivered is GMP+ FSA assured

GMP+ FSA assured


Uitdrukkingen betreffende het in de

handel brengen van diervoeder

Uitdrukkingen voor levering van dienst

De geleverde goederen zijn GMP+ FSA geborgd

De geleverde dienst heeft de GMP+ status zoals bedoeld in de GMP+ FSA module

De geleverde goederen hebben de GMP+ status zoals bedoeld in de GMP+ FSA


De te leveren dienst heeft de GMP+ status zoals bedoeld in de GMP+ FSA module

Het geleverde diervoeder heeft de GMP+ status zoals bedoeld in de GMP+ FSA


De geleverde dienst is GMP+ FSA geborgd

Het te leveren diervoeder heeft de GMP+ status zoals bedoeld in de GMP+ FSA


De te leveren dienst is GMP+ FSA geborgd

Het geleverde diervoeder is GMP+ FSA geborgd

GMP+ FSA geborgd

Het te leveren diervoeder is GMP+ FSA geborgd

GMP+ FSA geborgd


Bezeichnung zur Inverkehrbringung von Futtermitteln

Bezeichnung zur Lieferung einer Dienstleistung

Die gelieferten Waren sind nach GMP+ FSA zertifiziert

Die erbrachte Dienstleistung verfügt über den GMP+-Status im Sinne des `GMP+ FSA´-Moduls

Die gelieferten Waren verfügen über den GMP+-Status im Sinne des `GMP+ FSA´-Moduls

Die zu erbringende Dienstleistung verfügt über den GMP+-Status im Sinne des `GMP+ FSA´-Moduls

Die gelieferten Futtermittel verfügen über den GMP+-Status im Sinne des `GMP+ FSA´-Moduls

Die erbrachte Dienstleistung ist nach GMP+ FSA gesichert

Die zu liefernden Futtermittel verfügen über den GMP+-Status im Sinne des `GMP+ FSA´-Moduls

Die zu erbringende Dienstleistung ist nach GMP+ FSA gesichert

Die gelieferten Futtermittel sind nach GMP+ FSA gesichert

GMP+ FSA gesichert

Die zu liefernden Futtermittel sind nach GMP+ FSA gesichert

GMP+ FSA gesichert


Expressions relatives à la mise sur le marché d'un aliment pour animaux

Expressions pour la livraison d'un service

Les marchandises livrées sont garanties GMP+ FSA

Le service livré a le statut GMP+ dont mention dans le module GMP+ FSA

Les marchandises livrées ont le statut GMP+ dont mention dans le module GMP+ FSA

Le service à livrer a le statut GMP+ dont mention dans le module GMP+ FSA

L'aliment pour animaux livré a le statut GMP+ dont mention dans le module GMP+ FSA

Le service livré est garanti GMP+FSA

L'aliment pour animaux à livrer a le statut GMP+ dont mention dans le module GMP+ FSA

Le service à livrer est garanti GMP+ FSA

L'aliment pour animaux livré est garanti GMP+ FSA

Garanti GMP+ FSA

L'aliment pour animaux à livrer est garanti GMP+ FSA

Garanti GMP+ FSA


Declaraciones para colocar piensos en el Mercado

Declaraciones para la prestación de servicio

Las mercancías (mercaderías) entregadas son asegurados conforme a GMP+ FSA

El servicio prestado tiene el estado de GMP+ como está especificado en el módulo GMP+ FSA

Las mercancías (mercaderías) entregadas tienen el estado GMP + como está especificado en el módulo GMP+ FSA

El servicio que va a ser suministrado tiene el estado de GMP+ como está especificado en el módulo GMP+ FSA

El pienso entregado tiene el estado de GMP+ como está especificado en el módulo GMP+ FSA

El servicio prestado está asegurado conforme a GMP+ FSA

El pienso para ser entregado tiene el estado GMP + como está especifico en el módulo GMP+ FSA.

El servicio para ser realizado está asegurado conforme a GMP+FSA

El pienso entregado está asegurado conforme a GMP+FSA

Asegurado conforme a GMP+ FSA

El pienso para ser entregado está asegurado conforme a GMP+FSA

Asegurado conforme a GMP+ FSA


Określenia dla pasz wprowadzanych na rynek

Określenia dla dostaw usług

Towar jest zabezpieczony GMP+ FSA

Dostarczona usługa ma status GMP+ zgodnie z modułem GMP+ FSA

Dostarczony towar ma status GMP+ zgodnie z modułem GMP+ FSA

Dostarczana usługa ma status GMP+ zgodnie z modułem GMP+ FSA

Dostarczona pasza ma status GMP+ zgodnie z modułem GMP+ FSA

Dostarczona usługa jest zabezpieczona GMP+ FSA

Dostarczana pasza ma status GMP+ zgodnie z modułem GMP+ FSA

Dostarczana usługa jest zabezpieczona GMP+ FSA

Dostarczona pasza jest zabezpieczona GMP+ FSA

Zabezpieczone GMP+ FSA

Dostarczana pasza jest zabezpieczona GMP+ FSA

Zabezpieczone GMP+ FSA


Prohlášení pro uvedení krmiv na trh

Prohlášení pro poskytování služby

Dodané zboží je zajištěno GMP+ FSA

Poskytnutá služba má status GMP+, jak je uvedeno v modulu GMP+ FSA

Dodané zboží má status GMP+, jak je uvedeno v modulu GMP+ FSA

Služba, která má být poskytnuta, má status GMP+, jak je uvedeno v modulu GMP+ FSA

Dodané krmivo má status GMP+, jak je uvedeno v modulu GMP+ FSA

Poskytnutá služba je zajištěna GMP+ FSA

Krmivo k dodání má status GMP+, jak je uvedeno v modulu GMP+ FSA

Služba, která má být poskytnuta, je zajištěna GMP+ FSA

Dodané krmivo je zajištěno GMP+ FSA

Zajištěno GMP+ FSA

Krmivo k dodání je zajištěno GMP+ FSA

Zajištěno GMP+ FSA


Slovak: “Zaistené GMP+ FSA” (GMP+ FSA assured)

Slovak: “Dodaný tovar je zaistený GMP+” (the goods delivered are GMP+ assured)


Заявления для поставки кормовой продукции на рынок

Заявления для оказания услуг

Безопасность поставленной продукции обеспечена по стандартам GMP+ FSA

Оказанные услуги имеют статус «GMP+» в соответствии с требованиями модуля GMP+ FSA

Поставленная продукция имеет статус «GMP+» в соответствии с требованиями модуля GMP+ FSA

Услуги, которые будут оказаны, имеют статус «GMP+» в соответствии с требованиями модуля GMP+ FSA

Поставленная кормовая продукция имеет статус «GMP+» в соответствии с требованиями модуля GMP+ FSA

Оказанные услуги соответствуют требованиям стандартов GMP+ FSA

Кормовая продукция, подлежащая поставке, имеет статус «GMP+» в соответствии с требованиями модуля GMP+ FSA

Услуги, которые будут оказаны, соответствуют требованиям стандартов GMP+ FSA

Безопасность поставленной кормовой продукции обеспечена по стандартам GMP+ FSA

Услуги соответствуют требованиям стандартов GMP+ FSA

Безопасность кормовой продукции, подлежащей поставке, обеспечена по стандартам GMP+ FSA

Безопасность продукции обеспечена по стандартам GMP+ FSA


Заяви для поставки кормової продукції на ринок

Заяви для надання послуг

Безпечність поставленої продукції забезпечена згідно зі стандартами GMP+ FSA

Надані послуги мають статус «GMP+» відповідно до вимог модуля GMP+ FSA

Поставлена продукція має статус «GMP+» відповідно до вимог модуля GMP+ FSA

Послуги, які мають надаватися, мають статус «GMP+» відповідно до вимог модуля GMP+ FSA

Поставлена кормова продукція має статус «GMP+» відповідно до вимог модуля GMP+ FSA

Надані послуги відповідають вимогам стандартів GMP+ FSA

Кормова продукція, яка підлягає поставці, має статус «GMP+» відповідно до вимог модуля GMP+ FSA

Послуги, які мають надаватися, відповідають вимогам стандартів GMP+ FSA

Безпечність поставленої кормової продукції забезпечена згідно зі стандартами GMP+ FSA

Послуги відповідають вимогам стандартів GMP+ FSA

Безпечність кормової продукції, яка підлягає поставці, забезпечена згідно зі стандартами GMP+ FSA

Безпечність продукції забезпечена згідно зі стандартами GMP+ FSA


Declarações para colocação de alimentos para animais no mercado

Declarações para prestação de serviços

Os produtos fornecidos são assegurados GMP+ FSA

O serviço fornecido tem status GMP+ como especificado no módulo GMP+ FSA

Os produtos fornecidos têm status GMP+ como especificado no módulo GMP+ FSA

O serviço a ser fornecido tem status GMP+ como especificado no módulo GMP+ FSA

O produto para alimentação animal fornecido tem status GMP+ como especificado no módulo GMP+ FSA

O serviço fornecido é assegurado GMP+ FSA

O produto para alimentação animal a ser fornecido tem status GMP+ como especificado no módulo GMP+ FSA

O serviço a ser fornecido é assegurado GMP+ FSA

O produto para alimentação animal fornecido é assegurado GMP+ FSA

Assegurado GMP+ FSA

O produto para alimentação animal a ser fornecido é assegurado GMP+ FSA

Assegurado GMP+ FSA


Paziņojums par barības produktu piegādi tirgū

Paziņojums par piegādes pakalpojumu

Piegādātās produkcijas nekaitīgums ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām

Sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem ir GMP+ statuss saskaņā ar GMP+ FSA moduļa prasībām

Piegādātai produkcijai ir GMP+ statuss saskaņā ar GMP+ FSA moduļa prasībām

Pakalpojumam, kas tiks sniegts, ir GMP+ statuss saskaņā ar GMP+ FSA moduļa prasībām

Piegādātai barībai ir GMP+ statuss saskaņā ar GMP+ FSA moduļa prasībām

Sniegtā pakalpojuma nekaitīgums ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām

Barības produkcija, kas tiks piegādāta, ir GMP+ statuss saskaņā ar GMP+ FSA moduļa prasībām

Pakalpojumam, kas tiks sniegts, nekaitīgums ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām

Piegādātās barības produkcijas nekaitīgums ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām

Pakalpojuma nekaitīgums ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām

Barības produkcijas nekaitīgums, kas tiks piegādāts, ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām

Produkcijas nekaitīgums ir nodrošināts atbilstoši GMP+ FSA standarta prasībām


Pašara pateikimo į rinką formuluotés

Paslaugų teikimo formuluotés

Tiekiamos prekės garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA

Teikiama paslauga turi statusą GMP+, kaip tai apibūdinta GMP+ FSA modulvie

Tiekiamos prekės turi statusą GMP+, kaip tai apibūdinta GMP+ FSA modulyje

Teiktina paslauga turi statusą GMP+, kaip tai apibūdlnta GMP+ FSA modulyje

Tiekiamas pašaras turi statusą GMP+, kaip tai apibūdinta GMP+ FSA modulyje

Teikiama paslauga garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA

Tiektinas pašaras turi statusą GMP+, kaip tai apibūdinta GMP+ FSA modulyje

Tiektina paslauga garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA

Tiekiamas pašaras garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA

Garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA

Tiektinas pašaras garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA

Garantuotai atitinka GMP+ FSA


Dichiarazioni relativa alla collocazione di mangimi sul mercato

Dichiarazioni per la fornitura di servizi

Le merci consegnate sono certificate GMP+ FSA

Il servizio fornito ha lo stato GMP+ come specificato nel modulo GMP+ FSA

Le merci consegnate hanno lo stato GMP+ come specificato nel modulo GMP+ FSA

Il servizio da fornire ha lo stato GMP+ come specificato nel modulo GMP+ FSA

I mangimi consegnati hanno lo stato GMP+ come specificato nel modulo GMP+ FSA

Il servizio fornito è certificato GMP+ FSA

I mangimi da consegnare hanno lo stato GMP+ come specificato nel modulo GMP+ FSA

Il servizio da fornire è certificato GMP+ FSA

L’alimento per animali consegnato è

garantito GMP+ FSA

Certificato GMP+ FSA

I mangimi da consegnare sono certificati GMP+ FSA

Certificato GMP+ FSA


Декларации за пускането на пазара на фуражни продукти

Декларации за доставка на услуги

Доставените стоки са гарантирани от GMP+ FSA

Предоставените услуги са със GMP+ статус, както е посочено в модула GMP+ FSA

Доставените стоките са със GMP+ статус, както е посочено в модула GMP+ FSA [гарантиране безопасността на фуражите]

Услугите, които ще се предоставят, са със GMP+ статус, както е посочено в модула GMP+ FSA

Доставените фуражи са със GMP+ статус, както е посочено в модула GMP+ FSA

Предоставените услуги са гарантирани според GMP+ FSA

Фуражите, които ще се доставят, са със GMP+ статус, както е посочено в модула GMP+ FSA

Услугите, които ще се предоставят, са гарантирани според GMP+ FSA

Доставеният фураж има сертификация GMP + FSA

Гарантирано според GMP+ FSA

Фуражите, които ще се доставят, са гарантирани според GMP+ FSA

Гарантирано според GMP+ FSA


Erklæringer for at kunne sætte foder på markedet

Erklæringer for at kunne levere en tjenesteydelse

De leverede varer er GMP+ FSA sikrede

Den leverede tjenesteydelse har den GMP+ status, som er angivet i GMP+ FSA module

De leverede varer har den GMP+ status, som er angivet i GMP+ FSA module

Den tjenesteydelse, der skal leveres, har den GMP+ status, som er angivet i GMP+ FSA module

Det leverede foder har den GMP+ status, som er angivet i GMP+ FSA module

Den leverede tjenesteydelse er GMP+ FSA sikret

Det foder, der skal leveres, har den GMP+ status, som er angivet i GMP+ FSA module

Den tjenesteydelse, der skal leveres, er GMP+ FSA sikret

Det leverede foder er GMP+ FSA sikret

GMP+ FSA sikret

Det foder, der skal leveres, er GMP+ FSA sikret

GMP+ FSA sikret


Yem ticareti ile ilgili açıklamalar

Hizmet teslimi için açıklamalar

Teslim edilen mallar, GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.

Teslim edilen hizmet, GMP+ FSA modülünde kastedildiği gibi GMP+ statüsüne sahiptir.

Teslim edilen maller, GMP+ FSA modülünde kastedildiği gibi GMP+ statüsüne sahiptir.

Teslim edilecek hizmet, GMP+ FSA modülünde kastedildiği gibi GMP+ statüsüne sahiptir.

Teslim edilen yem, GMP+ FSA modülünde kastedildiği gibi GMP+ statüsüne sahiptir.

Teslim edilen hizmet, GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.

Teslim edilecek yem, GMP+ FSA modülünde kastedildiği gibi GMP+ statüsüne sahiptir.

Teslim edilecek hizmet, GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.

Teslim edilen yem, GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.

GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.

Teslim edilecek yem, GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.

GMP+ FSA güvencesi altındadır.


Takarmány forgalomba hozataláról szóló nyilatkozatok

A szolgáltatás nyujtására vonatkozó nyilatkozatok

A szállitott termék GMP+ FSA tanusitvánnyal


A nyujtott szolgáltatás a GMP+ FSA modulban meghatározottak szerint GMP+ státusu.

A szállitott áru a GMP+ FSA modulban meghatározottak szerint GMP+ státusu

A nyujtandó szolgáltatás a GMP+ FSA modulban meghatározottak szerint GMP+ státusu.

A szállitott takarmány a GMP+ FSA modulban meghatározottak szerint GMP+ státusu

A nyujtott szolgáltatás GMP+ FSA tanusitott

A szállitandó takarmány a GMP+ FSA

modulban meghatározottak szerint GMP+ státusu

A nyujtandó szolgáltatás GMP+ FSA tanusitott

A szállitott takarmány GMP+ FSA tanusitott

GMP+ FSA tanusitott

A szállitandó takarmány GMP+ FSA

GMP+ FSA tanusitott



Declaracions per a la introducció de productes alimentaris al mercat
Les mercaderies subministrades tenen el certificat GMP+ assegurat.
Aquesta opció ja és aplicable a partir de 1'1-10-2015. Aquesta declaració serà avaluada al seu moment i podria ser suprimida, tenint en compte un periode raonable fora de fase
Les mercaderies subministrades tenen I'estatus GMP+ com s'especifica al modul GMP+FSA.
Ja aplicable a partir de 1'1-10-2015

Els productes alimentaris subministrats tenen

l'estatus GMP+ com s'especifica al modul GMP+ FSA.

Nova opció.

Aplicable d'immediat.

Els productes alimentaris a subministrar tenen l'estatus GMP+ com s'especifica al modul GMP+ FSA

Nova opció.

Aplicable d'immediat.

Els productes alimentaris subministrats compten amb el certificat GMP+ FSA assegurat

Nova opció.

Aplicable d'immediat.

Els productes alimentaris a subministrar compten amb el certificat GMP+ FSA assegurat

Nova opció.

Aplicable d'immediat.

Certificat GMP+ FSA assegurat

Nova opció.

Aplicable d'immediat.


Zahtevi za plasiranje proizvoda za ishranu zivotinja na tržište


Isporučena roba je obezbeđena u skladu sa GMP+

Ova opcija se već primenjuje od 1.10.2015. Ovaj zahtev će biti blagovremeno procenjen, uz mogućnost njegovog brisanja, poštujući razuman period ukidanja.

Isporučena roba ima GMP+ status kao što je naznačeno u GMP+ FSA modulu

Već u primeni od 1.10.2015.

Isporučena hrana za životinje ima GMP+ status kao što je naznačeno u GMP+ FSA modulu

Nova opcija.

Primenljivo odmah.

Hrana za životinje koju treba isporučiti ima GMP+ status kao što je naznačeno u GMP+ FSA modulu

Nova opcija.

Primenljivo odmah.

Isporučena hrana za životinje je obezbeđena u skladu sa GMP+ FSA

Nova opcija.

Primenljivo odmah.

Hrana za životinje koja treba da se isporuči je obezbeđena u skladu sa GMP+ FSA

Nova opcija.

Primenljivo odmah.

Obezbeđeno u skladu sa GMP+ FSA

Nova opcija.

Primenljivo odmah.

Appendix 2: Product name and Number according to Reg. (EU) No. 68/2013




Examples of products falling under this number


Acid oils from chemical


Product obtained during the deacidification of oils and fats of vegetable origin by means of alkali, followed by an acidulation with subsequent separation of the aqueous phase, containing free fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, crude lecithin and fibres.


Fatty acids

esterified with glycerol

Glycerides obtained by esterification of fatty acids with glycerol. May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.


Mono di and tri glycerides of fatty acids

Product consisting of mixtures of mono-, di- and triesters of glycerol with fatty acids. They may contain small amounts of free fatty acids and glycerol. May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.


Salts of fatty acids

Product obtained by reaction of fatty acids with at least four carbon atoms with calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium hydroxides, oxides or salts. May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Analysis should be done on the fat component (e.g. PFAD) or on the end-product.


Fatty acid

distillates from physical


Product obtained during the deacidification of oils and fats of vegetable origin by means of distillation containing free fatty acids, oils or fats and natural components of seeds, fruits tissues such as mono- and diglycerides, sterols and tocopherols.


Crude fatty

acids from splitting

Product obtained by oil/fat splitting. By definition it consists of crude fatty acids C6-C24, aliphatic, linear, monocarboxylic, saturated and unsaturated. May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.


Pure distilled fatty acids from splitting

Product obtained by the distillation of crude fatty acids from oil/fat splitting potentially plus hydrogenation. By definition it consists of pure distilled fatty acids C6-C24, aliphatic, linear, monocarboxylic, saturated and unsaturated.

May contain up to 50 ppm Nickel from hydrogenation.

Ricin oleic acid (syn. Castor oil acid), CAS no.141-22-0, EC no. 205-470-2

Icosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenoic acid (syn. Arachidonic acid), CAS no. 506-32-1, EC no. 208-033-4

Hexanoic acid (syn. Caproic acid ) of vegetable origin, CAS no.142-62-1, EC no. 205-550-7;

Octanoic acid (syn. Caprylic acid) of vegetable origin, CAS no.124-07-2, EC no. 204-677-5

Oleic acid (syn. octadec-9-enoic acid) of vegetable origin, CAS no. 112-80-1, EC no. 204-007-1

Linoleic acid (syn. 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid), CAS no. 60-33-3, EC no. 200-470-9

Linolenic acid (syn. (9Z,12Z,15Z)-9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid), CAS no. 463-40-1, EC no. 207-334-8

Stearic acid (syn. octadecanoic acid) of vegetable origin, CAS no. 57-11-4, EC no. 200-313-4


Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with organic acids

Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids with at least four carbon atoms esterified with organic acids.


Sucrose esters of fatty acids

Esters of saccharose and fatty acids.


Sucroglycerides of fatty acids

Mixture of esters of saccharose and mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids.


Mono-esters of propy­lene glycol and fatty acids

Mono-esters of propylene glycol and fatty acids, alone or in mixtures with di-ester

Risk Management tools

That was a lot of information to digest and one might ask, what is the next step? Luckily we can offer support for the GMP+ Community when doing this. We provide support by means of various tools and guidances but as each company has a shared responsibility to feed safety, and therefor tailor-made solutions cannot be offered. However, we do help by explaining requirements and provide background information about the requirements.

We have developed various supporting materials for the GMP+ Community. These include various tools, ranging from Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists to webinars and events.

Supporting materials related to this document (Guidelines and FAQ’s)

We have made documents available which give guidance to the GMP+ requirements as laid down in the module GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA. These documents give examples, answers to frequently asked questions or background information.

Where to find more about the GMP+ International Risk Management tools?

Fact sheets

More information: GMP+ Platform

Product list

More information: Product List

Risk Assessments

More information: GMP+ Platform

GMP+ Monitoring database

More information: GMP+ Monitoring database

Support documents

More information: Support documents