Protocol Monitoring Aflatoxin B1 in maize and by-products of maize

Change risk profile for Austria and USA As a result of the evaluation of the available analysis results of Aflatoxin B1 in maize GMP+ International, together with other accepted scheme holders, has adjusted the risk profile for Aflatoxin B1.

Changed Risk Profiles:

  • Austria - reduces from medium to low
  • USA - reduces from medium to low

This means that maize originating from

  • Austria may be analyzed less frequently
  • USA may be analyzed less frequently

This new risk profile takes effect as from 28 February 2025.


Maize originating from a country with High risk must be analysed more frequently, because the risk of the presence of Aflatoxin B1 is to be considered high.

Consult for more details TS1.7 Monitoring - Appendix Aflatoxin risk classification list.

We do it together!

To be able to reclassify countries, it is important for GMP+ participants to upload their analysis results to the GMP+ Monitoring database and to share it with our community.

Be careful

Incorrect analysis results in the database can affect the results of the evaluation and risk classification of the countries.

When uploading this information, please make sure that the origin of the maize is entered correctly and that the levels of Aflatoxin detected are entered with the correct unit (mg/kg).

- Ask your laboratory to report in the correct unit

Ask your laboratory to report the analysis results in the same unit as included in TS1.5 Specific Feed Safety Limits. For Aflatoxin the correct unit is mg/kg. This helps you when you check the result with the applicable feed safety limits in TS1.5, but also helps you comply with the requirement of the GMP+ Monitoring database to report the result in this unit.

- If the analysis result is in ppb, you must first convert it to mg/kg.

Why is this important?

Analyzing monitoring results is an important source for GMP+ International in determining potential risks. Also, it helps us developing FSP products that make you and the feed industry as a whole more resilient.

Previous changes in risk profiles

Since September 2024 the risk profiles of countries of origin have changed as follows:

Final Implementation date


Risk profile

21 November 2024



Low > Medium

Czech Republic

Medium > Low

18 September 2024 Romania

Medium > High

Czech Republic

Low > Medium