Carbon footprint standard for the Dutch market on the way

With GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (GMP+ FRA) certification, companies are demonstrating that they are complying with the market requirements for responsible feed production with regard to people and the environment.

There are many initiatives in this area. The market is calling for an unambiguous and clear standard that can be applied in practice. For this reason, we, together with market participants, have started working with a simple standard. With the help of the knowledge gained from practice, we will develop it further. 

Carbon Footprint for feed

The new GMP+ FRA standard for calculating the carbon footprint (CFP) of feed ensures that the input used by compound feed companies for calculating the CFP is correct and that the calculation method has been applied properly.

The standard is based on the Dutch instrument for CFP calculations: the ‘Nevedi CFP calculation protocol'’. This instrument was specifically developed for the Dutch market and uses default CFP data that are specific to the Netherlands. This means that to start with, only compound feed companies based in the Netherlands can get themselves certified.

Per 01-01-2024 GMP+ International will launch this standard. The first year it will be introduced as a pilot. During this year GMP+ International will gain experience in assuring CFP calculations and assess how the feed industry and the market they serve respond to this standard.

Further development

This standard will be developed further in the coming years in accordance with the methodology of the PEFCR Feed for food-producing animals. The standard will then also be accessible to companies outside the Netherlands.

In the autumn, the GMP+ FRA CFP standard will be presented to the International Expert Committee.