Our customers and partners value our products and services

As part of our three-year corporate plan, we set ourselves the goals of continuously increasing the added value of the GMP+ FC scheme and our services for our GMP+ Community.

To track these goals, in 2024 we continued our partnership with Ipsos, an established research company. We recently conducted two surveys in which we invited GMP+ certified companies and partners (Certification Bodies, GMP+ Auditors and Registered Consultants) to evaluate our products and services. 

Participation and results

In total, 231 GMP+ certified companies and 44 partners took part, which represents a reasonable response to draw conclusions from.

Overall, we see that GMP+ certified companies and partners are (very) satisfied with our products and services. 

GMP+ certified companies and partners value our services

We see increased usage of GMP+ FSA & GMP+ FRA. The quality of the certification is highly appreciated, and we see strong satisfaction on brand recognition and supply chain coverage. We must continue to focus on accessibility, simplicity and communication in these areas. Another point for attention is the use of the GMP+ Monitoring database. We are pleased with these results, which show that we are on track, but we will continue to strive for improvements. 

Continuous improvement 

The outcome of the survey gives us valuable insights into how our customers and partners rate our products and services. We have clear indicators on what we need to work on. Through various projects, we are implementing improvements, for example our renewed GMP+ platform with the Risk Management Tools and our new GMP+ Monitoring database. We expect that our GMP+ Community will see the results of those improvements and changes by early 2025.