Updated version of the TS1.7 – Monitoring now available

Due to legislation and sector changes, GMP+ International, in collaboration with the International Expert Committee (IEC), has updated the TS1.7 – Monitoring.

Together with the GMP+ Community, we have reviewed the requirements and made them clearer – especially chapter 2, Monitoring protocol of Aflatoxin B1 in Maize and By-products of maize. We have updated the layout of the document and we have improved readability.

Summary of changes:

  • Sample taker in case of Medium and High: 2 options:  ISO17020 accredited or GAFTA accepted.

  • Place/moment of sampling: It is now clear that it is also possible to take samples at the silos/warehouses.

  • Specific addition for (food producers of) maize by-products:
    • It is clearly stated that the customer must also be informed (on request) about the monitoring protocol applied to the incoming maize, the results for the incoming maize and the concentration factor of the process.
    • Regulation (EU) No. 1881/2006 is replaced by Regulation (EU) No. 2023/915 (maximum levels for contaminants in foodstuffs).
  • Criteria for (Re)classification of a country of cultivation: This information is included in the protocol's appendix.

Click here to view the complete document.