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CR4.0 Tariffs 2025


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Version: 1 November 2024

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1. Purpose of the document

This document contains the tariffs for the contributions in 2025 which the Certification Bodies and the certified companies are due to pay to GMP+ International. This applies to the Certification Bodies which are approved for the issuing of GMP+ certificates to companies based on the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme with the module GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance and the module GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance.

This document also contains the tariffs for the contributions that GMP+ certified companies are due to GMP+ International in accordance with said certification scheme.

The obligation to pay these financial contributions is laid down, on the one hand, in the approval contracts between the Certification Bodies and GMP+ International and, on the other hand, in the contracts between the Certification Bodies and the GMP+ certified companies.

Tariffs are also included for the purchase of other services and products of GMP+ International.

The basic principle of the raised tariffs is that the income should cover all the costs incurred in the administration of the above-mentioned schemes and the associated support activities.

All amounts are exclusive of VAT. By GMP+ International is meant: GMP+ International B.V.

2. Certification Bodies

2.1. Application payments

2.1.1 The Certification Body submitting an approval request as referred to in the CR1.0 Acceptation requirements, to obtain a license to carry out GMP+ FSA and/or GMP+ FRA certification, is due fee to GMP+ International prior to the start of the assessment, as referred to under a. in table 1. The approval procedure must be completed within 26 weeks.

2.1.2 The Certification Body that signs-up auditors for examinations, is due to GMP+ International the fee per signed up auditor per scope, as specified under b. in table 1.

Table 1: Tariffs basic payments (in euro’s) for Certification Bodies

approval request Certification Body

€ 10.400,00

registration of an auditor for examination

€ 123,00

2.1.3 The Certification Bodies are required to pay the contributions of the GMP+ certified companies as referred to under par. 3 to GMP+ International. GMP+ International usually sends an invoice two months after the issuance of the certificate and in the corresponding month in each subsequent year that the certificate is valid. As a reference date, the end date of the certificate is used. If, after the issuance of the initial certificate, scopes/certificates are added, the month of each year like the one in which the end date lies, shall apply.

2.1.4 The amounts specified in sections 2.1.3 to 2.2.1 must be transferred within 21 days to the account of GMP+ International after receipt of an invoice.

2.2. Basic payment

2.2.1 The Certification Body will make the basic payments shown in Table 2 annually to GMP+ International

Table 1: Tariffs basic payments (in euro’s) for Certification Bodies


GMP+ Feed Certification scheme


basic tariff

€ 1.628,00


use of database web application and API

€ 1.092,00


per accepted scope 1 up to 5

€ 1.155,00


per accepted scope 6 up to 10

€ 952,00


per accepted scope 11 up to 15

€ 681,00


per accepted scope 16 and more

€ 405,00


per accepted auditor

€ 163,00


per critical location

€ 2.720,00

2.2.2 The Certification Body will be due to pay the basic rates in April 2025. Payment must be made on the basis of an invoice to be issued by GMP+ International, within the time of payment of 21 days.

2.2.3 The previously mentioned basic tariff (a.) under 2.1.1. Table 1 does not apply for Certification Bodies approved by a different certification scheme - approved by GMP+ International – and that only registered with GMP+ International for approval for a County Note. In all other cases, this exception does not apply. The requirement is that the relevant Certification Body has entered into an agreement with GMP+ International. These approved certification schemes (including the scopes) are referred to in chapter 3 of TS 1.2 Purchase.

3. Certified companies

3.1. General

3.1.1 A GMP+ certified company as referred to in chapter 1 is due an annual financial contribution to GMP+ International as stated hereinafter. The GMP+ certified company pays this contribution through the Certification Body, with which it has an agreement, that is to pay the amount to GMP+ International in accordance with the provisions of par. 3.2.

3.1.2. If the certification for a company location relates to multiple areas of applicability (scopes) or to multiple standards then, for each additional area of applicability (scope), 40% of the appropriate applicable amount is due. In case of certification of more than 5 scopes per company location, for each additional area of applicability (scope), 10% of the appropriate applicable amount is due. In these cases, the highest amount is due in full and the discount applies to the lower tariffs.

3.2. GMP+ certified companies

The GMP+ certified companies are due the basic fee listed in table 3 per business location and listed scope.

Table 3: Rates basic fee (in Euros) per scope for certified companies

Standard tariff

per location

Scope 1

€ 320,00

Scope 2 through 5 (see explanation par. 3.1.2)

€ 128,00

Scope 6 and beyond (see explanation par. 3.1.2)

€ 32,00

Variant / Different tariff

per location / vessel

Transport feed, road transport ≤ 2 employees *

€ 137,00

Trade to livestock farms

€ 64,00

Transport feed, inland waterway

€ 64,00

Invoicing address
€ 50,00
PO Box
€ 50,00
*In the scope Transport, there is a distinction between small companies with less or equal to (≤) 2 employees and with more than (>2) employees. The Certification Body is required to inform GMP+ International about the numbers of employees per certified company. If no registration was conducted, the highest rate will be used. This is only applicable when a company is certified for the scope Transport.


Graduated tariff


1 to 5


6 to 10


11 to 15


16 to 40


43 to 60


61 to 80




€ 320,00

€ 240,00

€ 161,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00


€ 320,00

€ 240,00

€ 161,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00


€ 320,00

€ 240,00

€ 161,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

€ 97,00

Storage and


€ 320,00

€ 240,00

€ 161,00

€ 97,00

€ 68,00

€ 49,00

€ 32,00

Trade to livestock farms

€ 64,00

€ 48,00

€ 32,00

€ 20,00

€ 20,00

€ 20,00

€ 20,00


feed, inland


€ 64,00

€ 48,00

€ 32,00

€ 20,00

€ 20,00

€ 20,00

€ 20,00

Helpful tip

A company will be assigned the scope Trade if it trades in feed it hasn’t produced itself. Sale of self-produced feed is covered by the scope Production.

In addition to transport companies, there are also tractionairs with and without their own manual. These fall under the structure of Transport feed.

Application of the so-called scale rate for multi-site is only possible if the applicable GMP+ requirements are met, as specified in Appendix 4 of the CR2.0 Assessment and Certification/Appendix 2 of the CR3.0 Assessment and Certification of additional scopes. In this, the Certification Body must ensure the correct information for registration in the database of GMP+ International.

4. Other companies

In addition to companies that are GMP+ certified for the previously mentioned schemes, there are also companies that are linked to GMP+ International in a different way.

4.1. QS certified companies

A QS certified company registered for acceptance within the GMP+ FSA module is due to GMP+ International an annual registration fee as referred to hereinafter. The amount is to be transferred to the account of GMP+ International within 21 days after the invoice date.

QS certified companies

Per location

Production animal feed compound feed

€ 320,00

Production animal feed premixtures

€ 320,00

If the certification for a business location concerns several scopes, 40% of the applicable registration fee is due for each additional scope. In these cases, the highest amount is fully due and the discount applies to the lower rates.

4.2. pastus+ certified companies

A pastus+ certified company registered for acceptance within the GMP+ FSA module is due to GMP+ International an annual registration fee as referred to hereinafter, to cover the associated costs. The amount is to be transferred to the account of GMP+ International within 21 days after the invoice date.

pastus+ certified companies

Per location

Production of feed materials

€ 320,00

Production of compound feed

€ 320,00

Trade in animal feed

€ 320,00

Storage and Transshipment of feed

€ 320,00

Transport feed, Road transport

€ 320,00

If the certification for a business location concerns several scopes, 40% of the applicable registration fee is due for each additional scope. In these cases, the highest amount is fully due and the discount applies to the lower rates.