Update risk assessments in risk management tools

Within the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme (GMP+ FC scheme), feed materials and their processes must be subjected to a safety assessment by means of a risk analysis, in accordance with the HACCP principles. By allowing only the use of approved feed materials, together we ensure feed safety throughout the chain.

Based on a desk study, carried out by the members of Technical Committee Feed Support Products (TCFSP), 23 assessed (5 new, 18 updated) feed materials and their production processes are included in the Product list. The inclusion of feed materials in the Product list (via the approval of its risk assessment) is a requirement of the GMP+ FC scheme. Only feed materials which are shown on the Product list can be used by GMP+ certified companies.  

You’ll find an overview of the (new) approved feed materials and their processes here.

If your feed material is not included in the Product list or your process deviates from what is described in the risk assessment, please submit a risk assessment application. Information about the procedure is available on our website. In this way we work on feed safety together.

Reminder new submission Procedure 

We have updated the way of submission to apply for the inclusion of your product in our FSP list. From April 2024 you must submit the required information directly through the GMP+ portal to initiate the assessment procedure. Your application and the follow up communication will be saved and accessible for you. And you are able to check the status of the application procedure. This will be the first step in improving the application process for you.  

We need your feedback

The TCFSP has given suggestions on the latest review of Risk Assessments. To implement these improvements, we need practical knowledge on possible changes in the production process. Therefore, we ask you, the GMP+ certified suppliers, for your support on the following documents: 

Risk assesment 

Feed material involved

Point of attention

Bio-ethanol industry

All mentioned feed materials
in those documents

Review the document
to confirm or correct
the production

Assess if distillers
grains and solubles,
dried could be a rumen
protected product. 

Glycerin, crude and
refined (from biodiesel)

Review the document
to confirm or correct 
production process.

Rape (seed) oil industry Rape seed expeller
feed (2.280)
Rape seed meal
feed (2.280)

Assess if these
products could be
rumen protected. 
If yes, collect info on
how/when the rumen
protection is done.

Please provide your feedback on these risk assessments via riskassessment@gmpplus.org a.s.a.p, and before September 15.  

Did you know that…

The numbers of European Catalogue of feed materials and the numbers of Feed Material Register are also available in the Product list. This information is provided as a service on request of the GMP+ Community. For reasons of harmonisation, where possible we use the same product names and definitions in the Product list as in the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials. The numbers can be found under “synonyms”.

Please note: All the changes in the Product List have a direct effect on the GMP+ Monitoring database:

  • Addition of new feed materials: if new feed materials are included in the Product list, these new feed materials will automatically be included in the GMP+ Monitoring database. GMP+ participants can add (and consult) analysis results for these new feed materials.
  • Modification of feed material names: if the name of a feed material changes in the Product list (in all or one of the 3 published languages), it will also change in the GMP+ Monitoring database.
  • Deletion of feed materials: if a feed material is deleted (removed) from the Product list, the addition of new analysis results for this feed material in GMP+ Monitoring database is no longer possible. However, the historical information on previous analysis results will remain available for consultation.

Do you still have questions? Please, contact the Helpdesk. GMP+ FC scheme is not just a standard, we are here to help the feed sector and your feedback is needed to improve our services!