Webinar on supplier assessment & management

Last month, we had the privilege of interviewing Anne Mette Onarheim from Nutreco, who has over 30 years of experience in supplier assessment and management.

Anne Mette shared her valuable insights, practical tips, and lessons learned from her impressive career. And we introduced our newest e-learning modules about this topic. Did you miss the webinar or want to watch it again? It is available on the GMP+ Academy now! Click here to watch the video.

New e-learning modules on Supplier Assessment & Management!

Two additional e-learning modules on Supplier Assessment and Supplier Management were introduced in collaboration with our Collective Knowledge Programme members, providing practical tools for improving supply chain management.

What is it about?

  • In the first module, you will learn how to assess suppliers. There are several important elements that will be discussed: certification, insurance, location, origin of the product etc.
  • In the second module you will learn how to manage your contracted suppliers. Being critical of your suppliers is very important for the safety of your end product.

The course group is available on the GMP+ Academy now via this link.